25 June 2015
A couple of weeks ago Abingdon Prep had a ‘Manners Week’. It started off when the house captains gave us a quiz. This was so the boys were reminded what good manners were.
Next Louise gave an assembly on why manners matter. She said that if you live on a desert island, on your own, you can do what you like and have as bad manners as you want but when there are other people around you have to think of others and take them into consideration.
Then manners week started! You could earn manners points if you showed good manners anywhere in the school. Teachers liked it if we held doors open for them and said please and thank you.
At the end of the week, on Friday, we had a Manners Lunch where we sat on house tables. Our teachers had loads of manners stickers and gave us some if we showed great manners and ate nicely.
That ended manners week. Unicorn house won and they got 500 merits, a special playtime treat (choc ice!) and they chose a special lunch for us all to enjoy which included pepperoni pizza and ice cream with toffee sauce on top. Delicious!
We learnt in that week that manners are important.