The Head writes to the Abingdon Prep community every week during term time.

Letter from the Head, 12 September 2024

Thursday 12 September 2024

Dear Parents

It was lovely to chat to so many of you last Friday evening at our welcome drinks. I hope that those of you who were able to attend enjoyed meeting the teachers and fellow parents.

This week started with a fascinating talk to our senior section from the lead nutritionist at Sodexo, our catering partners, about fuelling your body with the right nutrients. I was enormously encouraged by how much some of our older pupils already knew about this vitally important topic and how engaged they all were throughout.

In the classroom, I have very much enjoyed getting to know our Reception children a little better, and was especially impressed with their spiky hair designs, showing off their developing fine motor skills, by carefully using scissors.

Year 3 was eagerly working on their new History topic of World War 2. They had photos of children being evacuated and were spotting differences between then and now, looking at styles of clothing, luggage and transport. It was great to see them so engrossed in the subject and learning about what children their age had experienced back then.

Year 6 and Year 7 have been loving getting straight back into science experiments this week. Year 6 were working on mass and gravity, experimenting with Newton metres and generating data for their graphs, whilst the Year 7s had the bunsen burners out to heat and cool stearic acid and see the different properties at different temperatures, before again plotting the data points onto graphs. Hands-on learning is so important for children and it is fabulous to see the children enjoying their science so much.

Wednesday saw our U13 team play in their first rugby tournament of the term. They showed great heart and improved enormously over the course of the day, winning one and losing two of their matches. They will have learned a great deal and are looking forward to next week’s fixtures. Matches start in earnest next week for all age groups, who have been training hard in readiness for them.

I hope that you have a relaxing and enjoyable weekend ahead.

Best wishes

Craig Williams

Letter from the Head, 5 September 2024

Thursday 5 September 2024

Dear Parents

It has been lovely to welcome all of the children back to school this week and hear about their holiday adventures.

In lessons this week I have been hugely impressed by the focus the children have shown settling down to their work and the new routines. In English, Year 4 were starting their class reader, ‘Iron Man’, and looking at the different characters and trying to predict what the characters were likely to be like after just a brief introduction. Year 5 were focusing on synonyms, again based around their class reader, ‘Holes’. It was great to see their prior knowledge coming into play working out words such as ‘precipice’ and ‘desolate’, and then using them appropriately in their own work. In Science, Year 8 were working on classification of different organisms and looking at where kelp fitted in – not quite as straightforward as it may first appear being part of the Chromista kingdom. (I was learning this alongside them!)

Our Reception class have settled in beautifully to life at school, loving the trike track, impressing me with their ability to solve a puzzle, and cooking some delicious blackberry and apple crumble, alongside a dough disco! Year 2 were getting straight back into some tricky number work, giving four different ways that a series of numbers could be created. This, alongside their pirate maps and self designed keys has certainly kept them busy this week.

This afternoon sees our music carousel taking place. This is a great opportunity for children to see a huge range of instruments being played by our music teachers and also pupils from Abingdon School. They can also have a go themselves and hopefully be inspired to take up an instrument if they are not already playing one. Playing an instrument is such a great skill to have and I am sure that many of you, like me, wish that we had stuck with it more as a child!

This week’s assembly focused on our three aims at school – Work Hard, Get Involved and Be Kind. I have been especially pleased to see so many of the children modelling these behaviours around school and we will continue to focus on these aims throughout the year ahead.

Last Saturday morning saw more than 50 pupils attend our Year 5-8 pre-season rugby session. I know that Elliot and the coaches were delighted with such a large turnout and it was a terrific way to start to get ready for the term ahead.

I wanted to let you know that unfortunately, Emma Penfold, our Director of Music, will be absent from school from 18 September for a period of time for major surgery. I know you will all join with me in wishing her the best for her recovery. Whilst Emma is away, we have Michael Stinton, former Director of Music at Abingdon School, coming in to teach all of Emma’s classes. Michael is hugely experienced and, of course, knows Abingdon Prep extremely well from his career at Abingdon School. I know he is really excited about working with our APS children.

We are very much looking forward to seeing many of you at the parents’ drinks tomorrow evening (6.45pm). Hopefully the weather will be kind and we can gather in the Quad outside rather than the hall. All the teachers will be there as well so please do take the opportunity to catch up with them.

I hope you all have a good weekend.

Best wishes

Craig Williams

Letter from the Head, 29 August 2024

Thursday 29 August 2024

Dear Parents

I hope that you have all enjoyed a lovely summer break, spending lots of time with your families and friends and enjoying the, mostly, fine weather we have had. The start of a new academic year is always an exciting time and this year is particularly exciting as we welcome our first two girls to Abingdon Prep’s Reception class, alongside more than 30 other new joiners across all sections of the school. We are very much looking forward to getting to know all of our new pupils and of course, seeing our returning students and hearing about what they have been getting up to during the break.

In the final week of last term, we underwent a material change inspection (in light of our move to co-education) from the Independent Schools Inspectorate and I am delighted to say that they have approved the change. The report is on our website.

Today, we have welcomed back to school all of our teachers and support staff for the first of our three INSET days. It has been great to catch up with everyone and be able to prepare ourselves to welcome back all of the children on Tuesday. I wanted to take this opportunity to welcome Charles Newbury, our new Deputy Head Academic, and Alexander Holden, our new Year 4 class teacher, and Toby King, our new Gap Year Teaching Assistant. I know they are all very much looking forward to meeting the children and getting to know them during these first few weeks of term.

Yesterday, you will have received a letter from Mike Windsor, regarding the government’s planned changes to VAT in regards to independent school fees and the school’s response. We appreciate that this is an unsettling time for our families and please do not hesitate to get in touch with me if you have any questions about this. There will be more detail to follow from Mr Windsor once our governing board has met again in September.

As I am sure you are aware, our form teachers will be speaking with you on zoom tomorrow evening to share key information about the year ahead and school routines which may be new for many of the children. You should receive the zoom links tomorrow morning which will enable you to dial in for these meetings.

The sports department are all set for lots of our Year 5-8s to join us on Cox’s Field on Saturday morning for their pre-season rugby session. If you have not signed up for this but would like your child to attend, please email [email protected] to let us know.

Please may I take this opportunity to encourage you to read the weekly mailing every Thursday as there is important information included. This week specifically, there is detailed information about drop off and pick up, as well as the start of other half activities.

We are really looking forward to welcoming all the children back to school on Tuesday morning and cannot wait to get started. I hope to catch up with many of you in the car park during the week or if not, at our welcome drinks event on Friday 6 September at 6.45pm.

Best wishes

Craig Williams

Letter from the Head, 4 July 2024

Thursday 4 July 2024

Dear Parents

It is hard to believe that we have reached the end of another academic year.

This week seems to have been busier than almost any other this year and Pre-Prep have been busiest of all. Reception and Year 1 had a fantastic day at Cotswold Wildlife Park on Monday. The highlight seems to have been getting rather close to the lions, albeit they were behind the glass! Year 2 had a terrific day on Wednesday at The Earth Trust, further developing their love of the outdoors, forest school and nature. Add in a cycling and scooter session and a most enjoyable summer concert with everyone singing and numerous impressive instrumental solos from Year 2 children, and you can see what a busy and enjoyable week it has been for them.

The summer barbeque was greatly enjoyed by the pupils on Wednesday lunchtime. Our caterers did a great spread of burgers and hot dogs and it was clear that our children all rather enjoy a barbeque, so I imagine lots of you will be firing up the coals in the holiday weeks ahead.

Tomorrow, we say a fond farewell to our brilliant Year 8s, a number of whom have been with us since Reception. I am very much looking forward to prizegiving to celebrate their achievements, alongside their parents, on their final day at Abingdon Prep. They will be greatly missed.They too have had an exciting week with our keenest cricketers spending the day at Lord’s Cricket Ground, being shown around the playing facilities, the museum, the changing rooms and also having an indoor net session with some of their coaches. All Year 8s have been off today walking along a section of the Ridgeway, hopefully creating further memories of time spent with their friends. I know you will want to join with me in wishing them all the very best with their future endeavours.

All it leaves me to say is that I hope you all have a lovely summer holiday and we look forward to welcoming many of you back to school in September.

Best wishes

Craig Williams

Letter from the Head, 27 June 2024

Thursday 27 June 2024

Dear Parents

It has been rather warm at school this week and it finally feels that summer has arrived! Thank you to all of those who came along to the JPA picnic last Friday. It was a terrific evening and great to see so many families catching up over on Cox’s Field and enjoying each other’s company.

Tuesday evening saw our Year 7 and 8s performing ‘We Will Rock You’ on stage in the Amey Theatre at Abingdon School. It was a terrific evening of sing-along songs from Queen weaved into a very entertaining futuristic storyline. The children performed brilliantly and thoroughly enjoyed entertaining a full house and very appreciative audience.

Sixth Form French A Level students spent the morning teaching our Year 3 and 4 how to play french playground games including ‘Canard, canard, oie’ (Duck, duck, goose) and ‘Un, deux, trois, soleil’ (grandmother’s footsteps!) They stayed and had lunch with the children too, it was a wonderful morning.

The Year 6 Balloon debate took place as well on Wednesday morning and saw some impressive debating from the pupils. It was very hard to decide who should be ejected between characters such Nelson Mandela, Isaac Newton, Ralph Baer to name but a few.

There were lots of cricket games taking place on Wednesday against St Hugh’s and it was lovely to see the children performing so well. Despite the heat, there were some great team and individual performances culminating in 5 wins from 7 games. Most importantly, all the games were played in great spirit.

There were some very well thought through speeches delivered in houses this morning as the Year 7s put forward their case for becoming House Captain or Vice House Captain. It was great to see so many children keen to lead their houses in Year 8.

This afternoon we welcome 12 parents into school to talk about their careers with our Year 8 pupils. This is always a terrific event and great for the children to get an understanding for what certain careers entail and start to think about what might suit their interests. Huge thanks to those parents who have kindly given up their time to talk to our children.

Our Year 4s are camping at school tonight after a day of activities at school. I know the children are very excited about the evening and I hope that there will be some sleep achieved by both the children and the teachers!

Pre-Prep have been rehearsing for their end of term summer concert on Tuesday next week and it has been lovely to hear them practising with such enthusiasm. I am very much looking forward to seeing them perform next week.

Finally, good luck to those cricketers playing Cothill this Saturday, in their final matches of term and to our senior tennis teams who play their final matches of the season on Friday afternoon.

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend as we move into the last week of the academic year. It is hard to believe it has come around so quickly.

Best wishes

Craig Williams

Letter from the Head, 20 June 2024

Thursday 20 June 2024

Dear Parents

It was lovely to welcome so many new families into Abingdon Prep for move up morning on Tuesday. I was especially impressed by the way that our current pupils looked after the new children and ensured they had a very enjoyable morning at APS.

Our Year 7 and 8 pupils are working hard today putting together ‘We will rock you’ before Tuesday evening’s performance at Abingdon School. If you have not yet got tickets and want to come along, please do order them as I am sure it will be a very enjoyable show. I am really looking forward to seeing them on stage and hearing some of my favourite Queen tunes.

Year 3 are out of school today visiting the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford. They are supporting their History unit of study this term, the Egyptians, by looking at the amazing artefacts brought back to the museum from Egypt and Sudan at the end of the 19th and start of the 20th century. I know they will enjoy exploring the museum and seeing first hand the incredible artefacts on display.

Pre-Prep Sports Day was a lovely event on Monday this week with the children happily throwing themselves into all the different events and performing very well both as individuals and as part of their respective houses. It was especially good to see them supporting and encouraging each other throughout the afternoon.

On the cricket pitch, our senior teams performed extremely well against Oratory Prep on Wednesday with some super performances and three players scoring 50s. All of the Year 5 and 6 pupils represented the school and thoroughly enjoyed being out in sunshine playing cricket. Our U8 and U9 teams were also in action this week against The Dragon, with some impressive bowling performances on show. A little more work on their batting skills will help them to perform even more strongly in the coming years.

Our senior tennis team showed a high level of skill in their match against New College this week with some strong individual performances in evidence. It is great to see the enjoyment and obvious improvement in their skills through working hard in their training sessions. I have yet to hear back from our Athletics team who are competing today in the regional finals in Stourport but I know the children involved were looking forward to competing against other strong athletes their age.

Finally, I look forward to seeing all of our Year 3 to 8 children for Sports Day on Saturday at Tilsley Park. It is invariably a highlight of the school year and the weather looks like it should stay fair for us. I hope that the weather also remains dry for tomorrow’s JPA Picnic on Cox’s Field. Huge thanks to the JPA for putting it together and I hope to chat to many of you during the course of the evening.

Best wishes

Craig Williams

Letter from the Head, 13 June 2024

Thursday 13 June 2024

Dear Parents

All weeks are busy at APS but this week really has seen a huge number of activities and events taking place.

Our Year 7s took part in a careers workshop on Monday morning delivered by the Head of Careers at Abingdon School. It was a great opportunity for the children to start to consider what type of career might interest them in the future and find out what skills and qualifications those careers require.

After the parents webinar about relationships and sex education on Monday evening, the children in Years 3 to 6 have been taking part in workshops focusing on when friendships go wrong or are not working, looking at how to repair them, when to walk away, and when is it ok not to be friends. These are really important life skills and I know the children will have gained a great deal from these sessions.

On Tuesday morning some of our Years 3 to 6 competed in the Verse Speaking finals with their peers watching on in the audience. It never ceases to amaze me how confidently and clearly the children are able to deliver their poems and this year was no exception. We listened to a huge variety of poems and the standard was amazingly high.

There were some terrific cricket matches on Wednesday this week with 4 of them going down to either the last ball or the final over. What was so pleasing was to see the teamwork and sportsmanship shown by pupils from both schools.

Our Year 8s have been thoroughly enjoying their time in Poole on their leavers trip. They have been trying out some new activities like sailing and paddle boarding and making great memories in their final term at APS.

Year 5s are performing in their soiree this evening and I am very much looking forward to seeing them up on stage. They have been working hard on their performances with poetry, singing and drama being at the heart of the event.

Pre-Prep has been just as busy with Year 1 creating their own monsters as a lead in to writing monster poetry whilst Year 2 have been busy creating their own board games (their recent work on fractions has certainly helped divide up squares on their boards),and learning more about conservation and listening to David Attenborough’s thoughts from a range of his environmental programmes.

Last Saturday, 8 of our children performed fantastically well at the IAPS National Swimming Finals in London. Both our relay teams took off more than 4 seconds from their qualifying times and our individual finalists also swam significantly faster than in qualifying, with both pupils making the full final. They can all be very proud of their efforts.

I hope you all have a good weekend ahead.

Best wishes

Craig Williams

Letter from the Head, 6 June 2024

Thursday 6 June 2024

Dear Parents

I hope that you all enjoyed the half term break. The children have quickly settled back into school this week.

Trips are an important part of school life and on Wednesday, our intrepid Year 6s journeyed to Gloucestershire for their 3 day Bushcraft residential. I am delighted that they have timed their visit with some good weather and I enjoyed seeing some photos of the shelters they built. I know a few brave souls tried to sleep out in them on the first night although I am not sure they made it too far into the evening before retreating to their tents! I look forward to hearing more about the trip on their return.

Today, our Year 5s are visiting Portsmouth Historic Docks to tour around Nelson’s flagship, Victory, supporting their studies in History. I know that this trip is always a real highlight for the children as it truly helps bring the topic to life, although the steep staircases and low ceilings need careful navigating!

Our Year 7 and 8 pupils have been working incredibly hard on their exams all week and they should be proud of their efforts. I hope that the revision they have been undertaking in the lead up to them will have stood them in great stead. I know our Year 8s are also looking forward to their watersports residential next week after all their efforts in the examinations.

Year 1 has been creating beautifully written retellings of the story of the three little pigs and it was great to welcome Year 2 to our whole school assembly on Monday morning for the first time, as they continue their transition towards Year 3 in September.

This week, cricket matches took place for our younger children with the U8s, U9s and U10 competing against St Hugh’s and The Manor. I was lucky to see a little of the U9 and U10 matches and it was so lovely to see how much all the children from both schools were enjoying the game and showing great sportsmanship as well. There has been a marked improvement over the term in the standard of their cricket and I am sure that will continue to be the case in the coming weeks.

On Monday, we welcomed Hagbourne Primary Year 6s for a joint cricket and athletics coaching afternoon. Our staff were enormously impressed by how the two sets of children worked together to improve their sporting skills in the different sports.

Good luck to our 8 swimmers who have qualified for the IAPS National Swimming Finals at the London Aquatic Centre this weekend. It is a fantastic achievement to have qualified and I know the children will give their all in an incredibly high quality set of relays and individual races. This comes hot on the heels of the Year 7&8 swimming gala tomorrow which all the children will be taking part in. Good luck also to our athletes competing in the Oxfordshire Schools championships on Saturday. Again, the standard is incredibly high and I look forward to hearing how they have got on.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Best wishes

Craig Williams

Letter from the Head, 23 May 2024

Thursday 23 May 2024

Dear Parents

It was lovely to see so many of you enjoying our Art and DT exhibition on Tuesday this week. It never ceases to amaze me just how impressive the children’s work is across each and every year group. The children should be very proud of the quality of their art and design but most importantly, I know how much enjoyment they get from both these subjects.

In the classroom, our Year 3 to 6 pupils have been working really hard undertaking their assessments whilst our Year 7 and 8s have been revising carefully in the lead up to their assessments after half term.

Pre-Prep has been very busy this week. Year 2 pupils have been authors exploring biographical writing. They enjoyed interviewing each other immensely! Water safety has been the big talking point in reception, the children have learnt how to stay safe at the beach and made some delicious sea snails in cookery!

Sadly the rain put paid to the senior cricket matches this week but our U8s and U9s showed great improvement in their cricketing skills during the matches with Magdalen College this week.

I hope that those of you who were able to attend the webinar about the Foundation’s move to co-education on Monday were able to gain more detail about the changes and have some of your questions answered. We are excited to start this journey and looking forward to hearing your further thoughts.

Finally, I hope that you all enjoy the half term break and that the children return refreshed and excited about the busy final weeks of this summer term and academic year.

Best wishes

Craig Williams

Letter from the Head, 16 May 2024

Thursday 16 May 2024

Dear Parents

I hope that you have all had a good week so far. I have really enjoyed chatting to many parents this week about the exciting news of the Foundation becoming co-educational in the coming years. I have very much appreciated hearing your views and answering your questions this week. I hope that many of you will be able to attend the webinar on Monday at 5.30pm where Mr Windsor, Rachel Pairman and myself will answer questions that have been submitted through the google form attached to the letter sent through on Monday. We hope that this webinar will be helpful for you and give you even more information about our move to co-education.

Our Year 3 to 6s have started their summer assessments this week and it has been good to see them focusing so well on the task in hand. Our Year 7 and 8s have been working and revising hard in preparation for their exams after half term.

Year 1 and 2 were buzzing after their Bee Keeper experience on Tuesday morning. They learnt all about how hives work and the different roles bees play in producing the honey and creating honeycomb. They also learnt about how important bees are to the ecosystem with the key role they play as pollinators.

It was a tough and enjoyable afternoon of cricket fixtures against Moulsford on Wednesday in the sunshine. We had almost every child in years 5 to 8 representing APS which was great. The 2nd XI produced the stand out performance with a terrifically exciting 6 run victory, having scored 149 runs in their innings. Good luck to our U8s in their matches this afternoon and also to our U9s who are competing in a cricket festival on Friday.

Good luck to our U11 and U13 tennis teams who are competing in the Radley festival on Sunday. Hopefully the weather will hold up for them.

Finally, please do come along to our Art and DT exhibition next Tuesday if you are able to, at pick up time. It is showcasing work from all of our APS children alongside pieces from Abingdon School pupils, to share the journey of a creative artist through the Foundation.

Best wishes

Craig Williams