13 June 2017
Little did the Headmaster know this morning that the entire school community had been keeping a special farewell surprise a secret from him for weeks! Crispin was taken up in a light aircraft over the school where he discovered the second part of his surprise – all the boys, staff and Vice Chairman of Governors spelling out APS on the field and waving. Though their clapping and chanting of his name may not have been audible from the tranquility of the skies it was a very happy occasion for all and a wonderful way for us to give Crispin a memorable farewell.
Speaking about the unexpected treat, Crispin said, “This morning's experience came as a complete surprise. One moment I was in my study in a meeting with our Vice Chairman of Governors and the next I was in the air over South Oxfordshire. To fly over our school and see the whole community gathered on the sports field, with boys and staff forming three giant letters of APS, was a magical sight. As well as thanking the whole school and the JPA for their part, I would like to thank Rachel Pairman for her considerable logistical skills coordinating this wonderful surprise. Finally and most crucially, I would like to thank Year 2 parent Gareth Bertram, for being such a skilled pilot and for his generosity in providing a truly unforgettable experience.”