10 November 2017
Year 4 visited Christ Church, Abingdon to support our RE topic learning about features and events that happen in Christian churches. We were met by the children's minister who explained what people do in church through a really fun memory pairs game. I believe the final score was 4-1 to 4AP!
Next we learnt about holy communion where all boys got to experience what happens during the service. We thought about how, why and what we remember during communion through the use of different sweets! We then read through a baby christening service and chose some godparents from amongst the boys who took their responsibilities very maturely. A local expert gave a talk about the unusual building that is now the church which both staff and boys found fascinating. Boys managed to work out what special features the church had through some good investigation skills. It was interesting to find out the wider history of Abingdon too such as the role of the Abbey.
Finally the boys had time to independently explore the church and see for themselves what features were present. The boys behaved exceptionally well throughout, asking sensible and interesting questions. They also were very respectful when we had our remembrance service.