17 May 2017
The annual Prep School ‘Art & Design Exhibition’ took place in glorious May sunshine last week during the Oxfordshire Artweeks. The governors, parents and visitors were guided through the CDT and Art rooms to view some outstanding work from the boys in years Reception to Year 8. From chalks to oil paints, fine ink drawings to collage, clay to acrylics – there was something for everyone. The scholarship art work was of a particularly high standard. The 3D work included a wooden spoon display where each boy had transformed an ordinary kitchen spoon into a multitude of characters and animals. There were dragons, birds, dinosaurs, cars, and superheroes to name a few, with even the President of America making a personal appearance. Thank you to the boys for their hard work, their many creative talents and to the incredibly supportive JPA for their delicious refreshments en route.