4 November 2016
As always, our annual fireworks evening was well-attended, and boys, staff, their parents and families enjoyed hog-roast and hotdogs, mulled wine and fizzy pop before the display. This also gave the boys a chance to let off steam, racing around the playground with their glowing light-sabres – always a wonderful sight.
Then we moved over the bridge to our sports field for the fireworks display devised by parent pyrotechnicist Paul. The countdown ended, and four flaming models of cyclists on bicycles chased each other in pursuit across the field – a fabulous opening. Then it was the Battle of the Houses as the Dragon, Griffin, Phoenix and Unicorn shot fireworks at each other and belched huge plumes of flame! The final display got the crowd oohing and aahing as the sky crackled with colour.
A huge thank you goes to everyone who helped on the night: Paul for the display, Stuart, the JPA and parent volunteers for their hard work, manning stalls, parking duties and clearing up, and all the School staff involved in organising and marshalling the event.