The Head writes to the Abingdon Prep community every week during term time.

Letter from the Head, 26 January 2018

Friday 26 January 2018 

Dear Parents

As the Spring Term races by and the weather seems to be worsening, Abingdon Prep has been a hive of activity all week. Thursday was our ‘paper aeroplane challenge’ in houses and buddy groups. There were some wonderfully creative designs on show. Some, when thrown, even managed to fly backwards, but a well-engineered few have progressed through to the finals. There are a few hot favourites but no one can predict what conditions will be like on finals day!

On one of my learning walks this week I was lucky enough to visit a Year 8 Science practical where neutralisation of acids was taking place and blue copper sulphate crystals were being created. The boys were able to explain fully the process behind the reactions and impressed Mr Windsor and me with their detailed understanding. The Year 8 Maths group were equally as impressive with their knowledge and manipulation of areas and perimeters using π. Our Year 7s were producing playlets and setting them to music in the Gamalan tradition – not a style of music that I had come across before. There were plenty of diverse and enlightening topics being studied yesterday morning.

The inclement weather on Wednesday did not stop our first football fixtures for the middle school going ahead against Pinewood. The U10 A, B and C teams all won exciting games whilst our U10 Ds lost a tight match with Pinewood’s U10Cs 3-4, having recovered to 3-3 from 3-0 down. The impressive U11 As won 10-2, whilst the Bs drew 2-2, Cs lost 2-3 and the Ds lost 7-9. It would be fair to say that football was the winner in this game! Our Year 7 and 8 cross-country team also competed in their first event of term this week, running out convincing winners against Abingdon, New College and Sacred Heart. To have two boys run under ten minutes for 2.8km was rather impressive.

Our Year 8 Art scholars are very busy preparing for their Art assessment day and this week they had a crank clay masterclass. Some of their animal sculptures are truly remarkable and I look forward greatly to seeing them after they have been fired in the kiln. They are certainly a talented group of young artists.

The concert platform last week was a resounding success again with many boys, some for the very first time, performing to an appreciative audience. If you missed it, please do look at the short video clip of some of the performances in the news section on our website – ‘Performers wowed the crowd’ – one cannot help but be impressed by our wonderful musicians.

I am still receiving some fascinating answers to these at morning drop-off (from both parents and pupils) so here is another Thunk for the week –

Is it better to play well and lose, or to play badly and win?

Good luck to all those brave quizzers who are back at school this evening eagerly anticipating Rob’s selection of general knowledge questions. I look forward to welcoming you all and to making my debut on the staff quiz team.

I hope you have a good weekend, and do remember to pop in for ‘coffee and pastries’ next Friday at morning drop-off in the Drama Studio.

With best wishes


Letter from the Head, 19 January 2018

Friday 19 January 2018 

Dear Parents

I started this week in assembly with a favourite quote of mine from the great golfer Gary Player, ‘The more I practise, the luckier I get’. It has been delightful to see that the boys in all areas of the school have been working really hard this week and I have been encouraged by the purposeful atmosphere in their classrooms. 8R have been sitting their mock scholarship exams and I thoroughly enjoyed being invited to see the Year 3s undertaking some science experiments. Year 3 had designed and created a range of parachutes with different shaped canopies and different surface areas. They proceeded to drop them from the top of the stairs and had to time how long it took for them to reach the floor. After that, they had to calculate average times and draw conclusions from the data sets collected. It was pleasing to see them so actively engaged in their own learning.

On Wednesday, our Under 13s kicked off the football season with matches against Davenies. This was our first ever fixture against this school. The A team were involved in a very competitive game and were just edged out 0-2, despite having much of the possession and creating lots of chances. Perhaps a little more shooting practice will be needed this week! The B team had a tougher game against strong opposition but worked hard to the end.

Our Year 4s visited Sulgrave Manor yesterday. The weather was kind (at least, it did not rain), and all of the boys had a wonderful time learning about the Tudors in such an impressive setting, helping to bring history to life. I am told that the boys carried off the Tudor costumes expertly and there were many Tudor themed packed lunches on show! It is hard to beat learning about key periods in history when you are surrounded by history itself.

Yesterday afternoon saw the first swimming gala of the year at Abingdon School for both A and B teams against Moulsford Prep and Abingdon. Our Under 12s had an exciting battle with Abingdon School but were defeated by just 2 points after a series of very tight finishes. Our U13s were extremely impressive and were victorious by a reasonably large margin. There is clearly a great strength in depth in our senior section swimmers and they should all be very pleased with their performances.

I wanted to take this opportunity to let you all know that I will be hosting another ‘Coffee and Pastries’ morning in the Drama studio on Friday 2 February from 8am to 9.15am. I really enjoyed chatting with so many of you last time and I hope that even more of you will be able to drop in on that day. 

And finally, after receiving numerous impressive answers to last week’s offering, here is this week’s Thunk – Is there more future or more past?

I hope you have a relaxing weekend.

Best wishes


Letter from the Head, 12 January 2018

Friday 12 January 2018 

Dear All

I hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas break and have settled back into the routines of the new year. Although I could not quite believe how dark it was, when standing outside on the first morning welcoming the boys back to school, it is good to be back and focused on an exciting term ahead. I have heard many lovely stories about the boys’ holidays and what they got up to, in addition to what their favourite presents were!

I would like to take this opportunity to let you know about our appointment of a Head of French for September. We had an excellent series of applications and from a very strong field we have appointed Mr Russell Macdonald. Russell is currently Head of MFL at Dean Close Prep School in Cheltenham, and he has also taught at a number of other prep schools. He stood out in the interview process as someone who was passionate about his subject and prep school education in general. He is currently a form teacher and also coaches Games. We very much look forward to welcoming him into the Abingdon Prep community in September.

I am also delighted to pass on that Jennifer Brown, who has been with us as Head of English on a maternity cover, has secured an exciting role as Head of English and Drama at Sherborne Prep in Dorset. I know that Jennifer is greatly looking forward to the production of ‘Smike’ which will be an excellent swansong for her.

We started the term with a delightful group of class pairings yesterday. The theme this time was card games. Having visited all the rooms, it was obvious that we have some boys well versed in the art of card games and I certainly wouldn’t have been tempted to join one of the poker tables or the Blackjack group! It is so enjoyable to watch the boys interacting so well and enjoying each other’s company across the different year groups. This was followed today with a well-earned home clothes day for Dragon House pupils after their victory in the House points competition last term.

Pre-season football was a great success with 32 boys in Year 7 and 8 and 36 boys in Year 5 and 6 attending the sessions. It is an event that we are very keen to continue to arrange for the boys prior to the beginning of each term. Thank you to the staff and boys who gave up the final day of the holidays to come in to practise for the season ahead.

I asked the boys in my assembly on Tuesday to consider the statement “If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you will keep getting what you’ve always gotten!” but related it to our effort grade descriptors (and some cricketing technique too!). I encouraged them to approach the term with a fresh attitude and desire to change the things they felt they might need to change. After popping into a number of lessons this week, I certainly saw evidence of a renewed desire to learn and improve themselves in areas that they may not previously have been seen as strong points. I really do hope that this positive approach is at the forefront of the boys’ thinking this term. 

As far as thinking goes, I am hoping to include a Thunk in most of my weekly letters as I think it is an excellent way to spark interesting conversations across the dinner table or in the car on the way to or from school. There are sadly, however, no prizes for the best answers! What on earth is a Thunk, you may ask? Well, a Thunk is a simple-looking question about everyday things that stops you in your tracks and hopefully helps you start to look at the world in a new light. So here goes with the first one of the term…. 

Which is heavier – a lie or a promise?

I look forward to hearing some of thoughts on this one at the front gate next week!

Best wishes


Letter from the Head, 15 December 2017

Friday 15 December 2017

Dear Parents

Perhaps I should not have ended my letter last week with a wish for a flurry of snow! We got a little more than that. However, I will happily include mention of snow again in this letter and hope for a repeat of last Sunday now that we have the holidays ahead of us.

It seems like yesterday that I was welcoming parents and pupils into school on my first day of term. Time has flown by and I feel very much a part of the Abingdon Prep community, especially now I know what people are talking about when they refer to ‘Firestorm’ and ‘The Bazaar’! It has been a great pleasure getting to know the boys.

I would like to take this opportunity to let you all know that Adrian Burn (OA 1963) will be stepping down as Chairman of Governors of the Abingdon Foundation on 31 December 2017 after nearly five years in post. He has given superb service. Over the past three years under his leadership the Governors have appointed new Headmasters both for Abingdon School and Abingdon Prep as well as a new Director of Finance and Operations. This has also been a period of considerable investment in facilities at both schools, including the works undertaken at Abingdon Prep School over the summer. I have been very grateful for the support that Adrian has offered me and Abingdon Prep.

Adrian’s replacement as Chairman of Governors will be Professor Mike Stevens. Professor Stevens is an OA (1968) who qualified in medicine at the University of London. He held senior leadership positions both in the UK and Europe and he is Emeritus Professor at the University of Bristol. He has been a Governor since 2014 and has recently been Vice-Chairman of Governors and Chair of the Education Committee. More information about Mike Stevens and our governing body is available here.

It is also an opportune moment to inform you that Claire Delo, our wonderful Head of Science, has taken the decision to retire at the end of this academic year. Claire has been a huge part of this school for a long time and she will be greatly missed by staff and pupils alike. However, I will save my words about her for the end of the Summer Term.

The House merit cup was awarded on Thursday this week and with just 15 merits separating first and second, it was certainly a close run thing. Dragon, however, were victorious and have earned themselves a home clothes day next term. The final results were as follows:

4th Unicorn, 3rd Phoenix, 2nd Griffin, 1st Dragon

It was a dreadful shame that our annual Carol Service had to be cancelled on Monday evening. However, we were delighted to be able to run a version of it in school this morning, before term ended. The music produced was, as always, of an extremely high standard and I would once again like to thank Debbie and all of her music staff for their outstanding efforts this term. I do apologise to all parents that we were unable to accommodate you for today’s concert, as there was simply not enough space in the School Hall.

I thoroughly enjoyed our colours and awards assembly yesterday. There was much to celebrate after such a busy term and I would like to thank the boys for their efforts throughout the term, both in and out of the classroom. They have achieved so much, and I know they will return in the new year with the same positive approach.

That just leaves me with the task of wishing you all a very merry Christmas and to thank you for all of your support and kind wishes in my first term as Headmaster at Abingdon Prep. I feel lucky to be part of such a warm community.

With best wishes


Letter from the Head, 8 December 2017

Friday 8 December 2017 

Dear Parents 

We have almost arrived at the final week of term. The nights have drawn in and the weather is definitely on the turn. The Christmas tree is up and the decorations are out. Abingdon Prep, however, is showing no signs of slowing down for the holidays.

6S gave an assembly this week where the theme was the selfless spirit of Christmas. During the assembly they explained that they were undertaking a ‘reverse’ advent calendar idea, whereby they would bring to school an item of food when it was their turn to open a door. This collection of food items will be taken to a local charity where, hopefully, it may help struggling families enjoy a more festive Christmas. I believe this shows a very mature and compassionate attitude, and I commend them on their thoughtfulness.

There were a range of matches against Cheltenham College this week. Our U10 A and B both had convincing victories, U11 A and B both lost whilst the U11 C team played superbly in a 9-6 win. Our U13 As, Bs and U12 A s all lost in exciting contests whilst our U12 Bs ran out comfortable winners. This was a competitive and enjoyable final set of rugby matches for the term. I would like to thank our grounds staff publicly for all their hard work in maintaining our pitches to a very high standard, for the boys to enjoy. Three of the Cheltenham staff commented on the good condition of our pitches, considering it was December – not a trace of mud anywhere!

Yesterday it was the turn of 4A to see Jack and The Beanstalk. All came back with broad smiles having thoroughly enjoyed the pantomime. The Christmas period is well and truly upon us.

I wanted to take this opportunity to let you know that Linda Rolls will be leaving us at the end of this term to take up a position as a Teaching Assistant in her daughter’s primary school. I would like to thank her for all of the work she has done with our Pre-Prep boys over the years. She will be greatly missed and we wish her all the very best in her new role.

On Thursday next week it is our Christmas Lunch. At the suggestion of one of the Year 5 boys, we have decided that the boys will be allowed to wear Christmas jumpers to the special lunch that day, and would ask that they donate £1 to our school charity for this event, to be collected by the form teacher in registration. Boys should come into school in normal uniform and then put their festive jumpers on for first break. Boys in Years 5 to 8 who are involved in the House Debating Competition after lunch will need to return to their school jumpers for the competition.

I am greatly looking forward to my first Abingdon Prep Carol Service on Monday, and have heard some delightful singing practices as I have walked past the music room this week. I do hope that all parents of boys in Years 3 to 8 will be able to attend. It is always a wonderful way to round off such a busy term, giving the boys a chance to showcase some of their musical talents and also an opportunity to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. I know that St Helen’s Church looks forward to welcoming us but please do bear in mind that parking can be difficult, so please allow plenty of time to get there for a 6.30pm start.

I have my fingers crossed for a little flurry of snow this weekend! It seems to have been a while since we have experienced it in this part of country. I hope you all have a good weekend and I look forward to seeing many of you on Monday at the Carol Service.

Best wishes


Letter from the Head, 1 December 2017

Friday 1 December 2017 

Dear Parents

I would like to start my mailing this week by extending enormous thanks to everyone who was involved in the Bazaar. It was a wonderful afternoon and the generosity of our parent body is hugely appreciated, with exciting raffle prizes being donated in addition to all the work from our impressive JPA in preparation for the event. The boys certainly enjoyed themselves and the sugar rush seemed to have worn off by the time they all returned to school on Monday morning!

Springfield School, one of our school charities this year, brought three pupils to Abingdon Prep on Wednesday for a Forest School lesson led by Steve. Our Reception boys helped the Springfield pupils enjoy their Forest School experience and further cemented a close relationship between the two schools.

Wednesday’s arctic weather saw every boy in Year 5 and 6 play in matches against Magdalen College School. Despite freezing hands, the boys did Abingdon Prep proud with a strong set of results. Our U10 As, Bs and Cs all won whilst the Ds lost out in a close contest. In the U11s, our As and Ds won, the Bs drew and the C team just lost in another tight match. A day later our U8s and U9s also took on Magdalen College School. The U8A team won a very close game which sees them undefeated for the season, whilst the U8B and C teams both scored lots of tries but narrowly lost. As for the Year 4s, our U9As lost a superb game 14-16, but both the U9B and C teams ran out winners.

The Year 7 and 8 House matches also took place on Wednesday and Dragon finished victorious, unbeaten in both the A and B team tournaments. Again, every boy in those year groups took part and played with a great pride for their House. Rugby continues this Saturday with matches against Cothill and I look forward to greeting all of our supporters on the touchline.

Year 3 and 4AP visited the Oxford Playhouse to see Jack and the Beanstalk this week. The boys returned very enthusiastic about the show. It certainly reinforced that the countdown to Christmas has well and truly begun.

Each of our Houses spent Thursday morning assembly time choosing their House Charities for the year. They have chosen the following: Dragon – Children’s Air Ambulance, Griffin – Great Ormond Street, Phoenix – Help for Heroes, Unicorn – Wild At Heart. I was fortunate to hear a number of our Year 8s explaining why they had chosen to propose certain charities and it was fascinating to hear their personal reasons for wanting to give them our support.

I thoroughly enjoyed the Pre-Prep Nativity today and it was a delight to watch. Our younger boys should be very proud of their performances on stage. We undoubtedly have a number of budding thespians coming through the school. They had learned all of their lines superbly and gave heart-warming entertainment to a packed audience.

I would like to take this opportunity to remind parents to check the weekly mailings as this is one of our main methods of communication, and there are often important documents or information relating to certain events that may need to be returned to school within a specific timeframe. Your support with this would be greatly appreciated.

I hope you all have a relaxing weekend.

Best wishes


Letter from the Head, 24 November 2017

Friday 24 November 2017 

Dear Parents

It has been another busy week here at Abingdon Prep with a wide range of autumnal weather conditions to contend with.

On Thursday morning, our second ‘class pairings’ of the term took place, this time with a board games session. I witnessed some Year 5s pitting their wits against some Year 8s at Chess, Monopoly, Battleships and Trivial Pursuit, whilst the Year 1s were partnered with Year 7s during which Snakes and Ladders, Connect 4 and Guess Who all featured prominently. Whilst walking round the groups with Mike Windsor, there was a warm feeling of camaraderie between the boys which is such an important element in any successful school. Unlike many of my family games as a child, no one dissolved in a tantrum with Monopoly money being strewn across the room!

Prep-Prep assembly was led by Rachel this week who told an engaging interactive story to the boys about teamwork and cooperation. I had the pleasure of handing out Achievement and Effort Awards which the boys have worked very hard for. Earlier in the week, I presented the first two Headmaster's Certificates for achieving five Golds and I know there are many other boys who have also nearly attained this total. It is one of the highlights of my week when boys bring work to show me that has been rewarded with a Gold.

Another packed week on the games field saw the U10s participate in a strong tournament under lights at Tilsley Park. They won one match, lost one and drew one. As a team they have certainly improved over the course of the term. Our U13As competed at the Pinewood 7s tournament, gaining an excellent win and a draw whilst a combination of an U12/13C team played in a triangular fixture against Christ Church Cathedral School and Pinewood.

House Rugby took centre stage in the Junior Section and the standard of play and commitment to the cause was very impressive indeed. In Year 4, eventual winners Phoenix won all their games by a single try so it shows how closely contested the matches were. The result was as follows: 1st – Phoenix, 2nd – Dragon, 3rd – Unicorn, 4th – Griffin

Year 3 House Rugby matches are still underway, with results hopefully to come next week. The trophy is still all to play for with the Middle and Senior Section competitions to come.

The annual Christmas Bazaar will take place tomorrow and I am looking forward to being involved for the first time. There is a palpable sense of excitement amongst the boys who have been eagerly helping to prepare their stalls over the course of the week. I very much look forward to welcoming everyone into school and starting the long build up to Christmas. Now the John Lewis advert has been released, we are all allowed to start talking about it, especially as the Christmas trees are now on display and fully decorated in school.

I look forward to seeing many of you at the Bazaar.

Best wishes


Letter from the Head, 17 November 2017

Friday 17 November 2017 

Dear Parents 

Year 6 took great delight in their hands-on Forces Day delivered by Science Oxford this week. There were gravity defying hoops (magnetism I am reliably informed!) and the boys designed and built KNEX cars and had to make them come to a stop in set areas using motors and rubber bands. We certainly have some budding engineers in this group! It is a great pleasure to be able to give the boys more hands-on experience to match the theory that they have been learning in the classroom.

Even though the rain was falling, there were some exciting matches played across our Under 8 and Under 9 age groups this week. Our Under 9 matches with Chandlings were great contests across the board with us winning one by a single try and losing two by the same margin, and I am told that there were some admirable tackles made by both teams. What a wonderful way to be learning about sportsmanship and the joys of matches! Our Under 8s also competed extremely well and finished with two wins and a loss, in another series of very close games.

Continuing the sports theme, today we have our first cross country event of the year at Cokethorpe for our Under 9, Under 10 and Under 11 teams. With all the training they have been doing after school, I am sure that they will acquit themselves well.

I hope you may have seen some photos of our magnificent Silver Coin Trails that took place on Wednesday to support one of our charities, Springfield School. It was an impressive feat to recreate their school logo in shield form and a sincere thank you to all the boys and parents who donated so generously.

Anti-bullying week took place at school this week, with our boys taking on board the important message of ‘All Different, All Equal’. There have been assemblies, PSHCE lessons, workshops and form times devoted to the topic and it is so important, although a focus for this week, that it is always in our minds and not just at certain times of the year. A happy boy is one who is making good progress across all areas of school life.

As autumn comes to a close and winter begins to set in, please do remind your sons to bring in a coat to school. Break times in the drizzle and cold are much more fun with coats and hats, and hopefully the healthy time outside might help to keep those winter sniffles away too.

Please could I also remind you that if you have any queries at the end of the day, please do speak to the staff in the School Office so that they might be able either to answer them or direct you to the right person.

And finally, I thoroughly enjoyed catching up with a number of parents at my informal coffee morning after drop off today. I would very much like to repeat this on a monthly basis, so please do look out for future dates. I hope that those who could not come along this time, may be able to do so next time. The pains au chocolat really were rather delicious and worth coming for!

With best wishes


Letter from the Head, 10 November 2017

Friday 10 November 2017 

Dear Parents

There is only one place I could possibly start my letter this week and that is Firestorm. What an event! I can safely say that I have never seen anything quite like it. The light sabre battles were so obviously enjoyed by all the boys, and it was a pleasure to watch the Pre-Prep pupils playing on their own mound area whilst the older boys jousted on Josca's field. As for the firework display, it was simply stunning. Just when I thought nothing could beat the house figures firing at one another, the unicorn breathed a ten foot flame from its horn, swiftly followed by the griffin shooting flames back! To call it ‘breathtaking’ would be an understatement.

The joy on the children's faces (and on the faces of those experiencing the event for the first time too) was visible. The whole evening was a real show of Abingdon Prep community spirit and I am delighted that everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves. As I mentioned last week, these events do not happen without the enormous time and effort from the organisers, and I would once again like to say a huge thank you to Paul Wentworth for putting on his last Firestorm with the support of his wonderful team led by Simon Stanford. Paul certainly went out with a bang! I am sure you will also join me in extending our thanks to all others who gave up their valuable time to make the event run so smoothly, namely our remarkable JPA representatives, and also many other parents who kindly volunteered their help on the night. Our next event will be the Christmas Bazaar on Saturday 25 November, so please do add your donations to the boxes currently outside the School Office.

Our Service of Remembrance today was a very moving event. The boys observed the two minute silence with genuine respect, and it gave them a quiet opportunity to reflect on how lucky we are to live in a world shaped by those who so willingly gave their lives in conflicts so that we might live in peace. The Last Post and Reveille were skilfully played by Ruairi (Year 7) on his trumpet. The service was preceded by a poignant assembly from 5S on Thursday, sharing their thoughts and personal stories about relatives and events in WWI and WWII.

There were three rugby festivals this week involving our U8s, 9s, 10s and 12s, in addition to matches for most of the U11s and U13s. It was wonderful to see so many boys out representing the school this week and performing so well.

The term certainly does not slow down next week, with Science Oxford visiting school to put on a Forces Day for Year 6. Anti-Bullying week commences on Monday with an assembly, and will run through PSHCE lessons, section assemblies, form times and in workshops on Thursday for the boys, hopefully giving them another chance to reflect on attitudes and behaviours towards others. This year's message is 'All Equal, All Different'. Abingdon Prep is a special place to be part of, and all of us should be aware of how important it is to be yourself and be proud of who you are. Do take the opportunity to familiarise yourselves with our anti-bullying charter and our policy, which can be found online and also as a paper copy at Reception and in the Prep-Prep letter rack.

Our Pre-Prep staff visited Springfield Special School on Thursday, one of our charities this year, with the aim of setting up joint events with them in the next couple of terms. Year 1 will be experimenting with some new games in PE lessons over the next few weeks using a jingle ball, and are hoping to teach these games to Springfield pupils next term.

As I write this, Year 4 are out visiting Christ Church, Abingdon, and I am looking forward to finishing off the week listening to some of our boys playing in the Concert Platform this evening. It is encouraging to see so many boys taking the chance to share their musical talent.

On Monday next week we will have a new face in our School Office. Mrs Karen Cornford is joining us as School Secretary. I know that we will all welcome her with open arms into the Abingdon Prep community and help her to settle in to her new role.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to invite parents to join me in the Drama Studio next Friday morning, 17 November, after drop off, for coffee and pastries and an informal catch-up.

I hope you all have an enjoyable weekend planned. I will be going to Uxbridge to play my first game of vets football this season. There could be a great deal of warming up and stretching required before kick off!

With best wishes


Letter from the Head, 3 November 2017

Friday 3 November 2017 

Dear Parents

It seems some time ago now that, on the first Sunday of half term, twelve Abingdon Prep boys participated in the Abingdon Vale Biathlon and achieved a superb set of results in what was a strong competition. Six of the twelve finished in the top three in their respective age groups, with the others narrowly missing out on podium finishes in most cases. This was a commendable effort, especially given that the event took place during the school holidays!

On Monday this week, our Year 1 and Reception boys were treated to a day about Divali, during which they wore traditional dress and ate Indian food, as well as being introduced to the key characters of Rama and Sita. They were very excited to tell me all about it when I saw them later in the day.

In the classroom, or more specifically out of the classroom, I had the pleasure of watching the Year 8 CDT recycled material hovercraft race across the swimming pool. Stormy conditions made the crossing hazardous but a number of vessels were sturdy enough in design to make the crossing successfully and rather quickly too!

Year 3 were excited to be using their pin hole cameras for the first time, framing up the tree line within the school front door, and I had some very clear explanations of how they worked. We clearly have a number of budding scientists in the group.

There was a ‘Free Will’ debate in Year 7s RE lesson to which I thoroughly enjoyed listening, and hearing the perspectives of the boys. An appreciation of others’ points of view was evident, matched with rebuttals and personal opinions. It is great to see the boys being given opportunities to express their views and improve their all-round communication skills.

This week’s Wednesday fixtures produced a very high standard of play across all of the age groups. The Oratory Prep School’s physicality and desire to break the tackle line meant that they just edged out Abingdon Prep across most games, but our boys should take great heart from the way they played and the fact that they were able to match strong opposition in so many of the matches.

House meetings in buddy groups took place yesterday, and I was fortunate enough to see all the Houses competing in their ping pong ball and cup games. It is such a valuable opportunity for the younger boys to get acquainted with the older ones and interact with them, and I know the older boys enjoy running the activities.

Continuing the House theme, Phoenix House have enjoyed the treat of a home clothes day today. They were house points winners for the first half of this term and it is wonderful to see their efforts being rewarded. I know that Griffin, Dragon and Unicorn will all be striving to overtake them in the second half of term, and to earn themselves a home clothes day.

The boys (and most parents to whom I have spoken!) are all looking forward immensely to Firestorm this evening, as indeed am I since it will be my first. I have my fingers crossed for some kind weather and the BBC weather app seems to suggest that we might just be in luck! I would like to take this opportunity to thank Paul Wentworth who will be arranging the fireworks display for the last time tonight. It has clearly been a labour of love and I know all of the Abingdon Prep community is enormously grateful for the time and effort he has put into making it such a special occasion each year. I would also like to thank the countless volunteers from the parent body who help out at this exciting event, as without them it could not take place. I personally cannot wait for the hog roast!

Lastly, I would like to extend a warm invitation to parents to join me after drop-off from 8.15am on the morning of Friday 17 November, for an informal coffee in the Library. I look forward to catching up with some of you there.

In the meantime, I hope you all have a relaxing weekend.

Best wishes
