1 December 2017
Pre-Prep performed A Miracle in Town, a traditional Nativity play, for parents and friends to enjoy. The event began with the sheep and donkeys from Reception processing into the darkened room with sparkling lanterns, smiling brightly as they climbed onto the stage to take their places. We were taken on a fabulous journey by two very talented young storytellers, who introduced us to Mary and Joseph and talked of their tiring journey to Bethlehem. A very determined Inn Keeper finally allowed the couple to rest with their donkey in a stable. A choir of Year 1 angels lit up the sky and an array of animals filled the stable as the story unfolded with a selection of catchy and exciting songs. After a long journey the shepherds arrived with a warm blanket and lambs for the baby. They were closely followed by the Wise men and some very bossy camels! What an incredibly busy night that really was A Miracle in Town.