Based on the beloved novel by Michael Morpurgo, adapted by Nick Stafford in association with the award-winning Handspring Puppet Company.
The critically acclaimed and international smash-hit play War Horse returns to cinemas for the first time.
At the outbreak of World War One, Albert’s beloved horse, Joey, is sold to the Cavalry and shipped to France. Though still not old enough to enlist he embarks on a treacherous mission to find him and bring him home.
Now seen by more than 8 million people around the world, this powerfully moving and imaginative drama is a show of phenomenal inventiveness. At its heart are astonishing life-size puppets by South Africa’s Handspring Puppet Company, who bring breathing, galloping, charging horses to thrilling life on stage.
The safety of our patrons, staff and students is of the utmost importance. Therefore if we deem it unsafe to reopen and/or Government legislation dictates, we reserve the right to cancel these screenings. In this scenario, we will refund the cost of your ticket(s).
Please take a look at the new precautions we will have in place for this event.
Booking for these events will be available from 10am, Monday 7 December.
Available Performances:
Saturday, 19th December, 2020 - 2:00 pm
Amey Theatre
Sunday, 20th December, 2020 - 7:00 pm
Amey Theatre