Welcome to Abingdon Sports and Leisure

Abingdon Sports and Leisure is responsible for managing the Abingdon Foundation’s sport and leisure facilities (the Sports Centre, Tilsley Park and Amey Theatre) and various commercial activities.

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We are delighted to offer you the opportunity to join us on Wednesday 19 June (7.30pm) at the @ameytheatre for the latest in our popular series of rugby evenings with another iconic name from the World of rugby, Shane Williams MBE. Shane has a wealth of stories and insights into a glittering career and it promises to be an evening to remember. Book your tickets now. 🏉🎤 #abingdon #oxford #ameytheatre #shanewilliams #rugby #aneveningwith #rugbyunion #rugbyfan #theatre

stdClass Object ( [caption] => We are delighted to offer you the opportunity to join us on Wednesday 19 June (7.30pm) at the @ameytheatre for the latest in our popular series of rugby evenings with another iconic name from the World of rugby, Shane Williams MBE. Shane has a wealth of stories and insights into a glittering career and it promises to be an evening to remember. Book your tickets now. 🏉🎤 #abingdon #oxford #ameytheatre #shanewilliams #rugby #aneveningwith #rugbyunion #rugbyfan #theatre [id] => 18032526553785917 [media_type] => IMAGE [media_url] => https://scontent-lhr8-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.29350-15/439665520_7356055471151278_7612316729220587164_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=18de74&_nc_ohc=8CuO_j8kWKsAb7X4rOW&_nc_ht=scontent-lhr8-1.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AfBUo6vWwMX06d9tERyKkKtFCUv2mKu1xW9DbwSh4fw3Cw&oe=662E7948 [permalink] => https://www.instagram.com/p/C6D9Wv2sLT_/ [timestamp] => 2024-04-22T11:20:11+0000 [username] => abingdonsportsandleisure )

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