APS News 33

Abingdon Prep News April 2023 • No. 33 JUNIOR SECTION ROCK ‘THE PIPER’

2 Abingdon Prep • April 2023 It has been another brilliant term with a huge number of events and activities taking place. Drama took centre stage for Years 3 and 4, and 7 and 8, with fantastic performances of The Piper and Oliver! Jr respectively. It is always a great privilege to see the children performing with such confidence and a fantastic opportunity for our older year groups to be able to do so at The Amey Theatre at Abingdon School, with pupil teams also assisting with lights and sound. Over the course of this term, many of our Year 8s undertook scholarship assessments and they are all to be congratulated for their efforts in what can be a gruelling process. I am delighted to say we have been awarded 4 academic scholarships and a sports scholarship as a result. In Music, 22 children undertook exams and our demonstration carousel of different instruments has attracted a large number of pupils keen to try out a new instrument, many of them for the first time. A real musical highlight of the term though was Cellissimo, our amazing cello ensemble group who gave a wonderful performance of a James Bond theme tune in assembly to the whole school. Many from Years 3-8 entered their work for the Young Art Oxford competition, with the theme this year being ‘Power’. We had a record number of artworks being selected for the exhibition this year to be held at the Newman Room, Oxford. As with all terms, the children have been involved in some brilliant trips. Amongst these, Year 8 went to The Globe Theatre in London to watch The Tempest, and Year 4 spent a day at Ufton Court experiencing life in Tudor times. Science week was also great fun in school with a forensic crime scene workshop, and the popular Forces show from Science Oxford, which we also invited children from Wootton Primary to take part. Our sporting teams have excelled themselves again with superb football results, an increase in hockey participation, some fantastic swimming results at the IAPS regional qualifiers and an excellent 3rd place team finish at the National Schools’ cross-country championships. We continue to benefit from our fantastic new facilities and the children never cease to impress me with the way they throw themselves into everything APS has to offer. Last but not least, Pre-Prep families excelled in making Easter bonnets which were proudly paraded to the school, followed by an egg hunt with the Easter Bunny! Best wishes Craig FROM THE HEADMASTER The Headmaster, Craig Williams, reflects on an incredibly busy term at Abingdon Prep. NEWS ‘AWE’ AND PANCAKES - A TALE OF TWO ASSEMBLIES The Head of Abingdon School, Mike Windsor, gave an inspirational assembly on the subject of ‘Awe’. He shared music, art and nature that instil the ‘wow’ factor for him personally and encouraged the children to think about what they too find awe-inspiring, including lessons! Later in the term, the APS annual Shrove Tuesday pancake flipping contest took place in which staff competed to see who could flip the most pancakes in a minute to loud cheers from the pupils! Inter House Cross Country consult World Book Day Being the subject of the Pastels Workshop

abingdon.org.uk/prep 3 NEWS This term pupils reflected and responded to the topic of ‘Easter Sunday’ as they participated in our regular ‘Big Think’ initiative. Moving around different zones, they used their knowledge of Easter Sunday to debate, meditate and to create tiny models, pieces of art, poems and letters. There was some fantastically creative work – well done! EASTER BIG THINK The importance of food has been a key theme this term at Abingdon Prep. A dual focus considered what we put into our bodies - our diet and nutrition, and then what we don’t eat and throw away. Elliot, our Director of Sport, gave an interesting talk in assembly to the Senior Section. He spoke about nutrition and hydration in a wider context before drilling down into the specifics concerning food groups, whole foods and the need for balance. Such an important topic stems from our desire to see pupils making informed THE IMPORTANCE OF FOOD JEDI BENCH This term, our Junior Equality, Diversity and Inclusion group (JEDIs) are upcycling a bench to create a welcoming space on Josca’s grass for anyone who wants a chat. Having consulted with Years 3 to 5 about colour schemes, they were armed with paintbrushes to start applying house colour stripes to the bench, ready for use in the summer term. SENIOR SECTION WELLBEING TALK Abingdon School Philosophy and Theology teacher, Mr Barnes visited Abingdon Prep this term to give children in Years 7 and 8 a talk on mental health, mindfulness and meditation. He talked, amongst other things, about our development as human beings over time and how we deal with the increasing stresses of modern life. YEAR 2 LUNCH SURVEY choices at lunchtime while helping them to grow in independence as they move towards their teenage years. Meanwhile, Year 2 met with Paula, our Deputy Catering Manager, to share their Pre-Prep survey results. The Year 2 ambassadors surveyed all the children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 about suggestions they have for lunch and pudding options for the coming terms. They tallied the results and presented the most popular options to Paula. The children will be keeping their eyes peeled to see if any of their super suggestions feature on the menu. One of our pupil-led Eco Committee’s key aims is to reduce food waste at school. They came up with the idea to monitor food waste at lunchtimes, to promote the reduction and ultimately elimination of food waste at school. School Houses and staff are pitted against each other to see who can waste least. The school will then use the data collected to make informed decisions which will help contribute to food waste reduction. Lunch menus are published on our website under School Life.

4 Abingdon Prep • April 2023 IN SCHOOL Making shock waves with Year 2 YEAR 8 ACADEMIC NEWS Classics: Year 8 were visited by Mr Price, Head of Classics at Abingdon School. With most of Year 8 progressing to Abingdon and about to make choices for their Year 9 subjects, they were told about other subjects offered by the Classics Department in addition to Latin: Ancient History and Ancient Greek. During Mr Price’s talk, pupils wrote their own name using the Greek alphabet and deciphered Ancient Greek words that are still used in Modern English. SCIENCE WEEK Each spring, schools all over the UK celebrate Science Week, an annual event of STEM activities promoted by the British Science Association (BSA). We were busy at Abingdon Prep with most year groups taking part in fun activities and workshops. Year 8 and Pre-Prep teamed up to work together on a number of activities: Reception examined their fingerprint patterns using pencil rubbings and chalk; Year 1 built sturdy bridges under strict guidance for size using paper alone; and Year 2 built and tested shoebox seismographs to see who could create the biggest seismic waves. Year 8 really enjoyed sharing their knowledge with the younger children. Year 4 took part in a neuroscience workshop with Professor Clare Mackay where they found out all about the brain and why it is important for learning. They made their own different neurons, for sensitivity and motor uses which, when put together formed a neural network. There was some time for questions to Clare all about brains, including understanding how they are different – a key message during science and neurodiversity week. Andy from Science Oxford came to give their popular Forces Show for Year 6 who were joined by children from Years 5 and 6 at Wootton Primary School. There was no shortage of volunteers to join in the fun demonstrations of Newton’s Laws, air resistance, magnetism and bridge-building. Years 7 and 8 got all suited up for their workshop led by retired forensic scientist John Bates, using many different investigative techniques to examine the crime scene, including cybersecurity. Year 4 and their neurons Fingerprinting with Reception Year 6 Forces Talk with Wootton Primary School Once solved, arrests were made and a court room scene was staged, in costume complete with a variety of bad wigs for the legal teams and defendants! This stressed the importance of those forensic scientists called to be expert witnesses. A fascinating workshop, and great fun for all. French: This term, our Year 8 pupils have had the advantage of practising their French with Julia, a native-speaker from France who is also an ‘assistante’ in the Modern Languages department at the senior school. The pupils have been able to improve their speaking and listening skills, including refining their accents. We are very grateful to Julia for her help. YEAR OF THE RABBIT A group of Year 5-8 pupils who are confident Chinese scribes created special bookmarks for younger pupils writing each pupil’s name in Chinese characters, raising money for charity.

abingdon.org.uk/prep 5 IN SCHOOL ART AND DT Our Warhammer Young Leader, Stanley, organised a super tournament this term. Teams of players from Year 3 to 8 battled it out until the grand final where George narrowly beat Toprak to become ‘APS Warhammer Spring Champion’. It’s a great club for making friends across year groups, learning something new and practising a much-loved game. Special thanks to Stanley for being a tremendous leader and a great support to the younger players. WORLD BOOK DAY Our annual celebration of books on World Book Day is always an event we look forward to, pupils and teachers alike. Children dressed as a character from one of their favourite books showing us their fantastic costumes in assembly with a quiz led by Natasha. Prizes were awarded to the best from each form, which included Rupert the Bear, Iron Man and Stig of the Dump. Not wanting to be left out, the teachers award went to a suitably terrifying Miss Trunchbull! It was an incredibly fun day with a serious mission: to promote reading for pleasure which, ultimately, improves children’s life chances and opportunities. THE OTHER HALF - FOCUS ON CLUBS WARHAMMER GARDENING New term! New clubs! Both requested by the School Council. Sam in Year 7 has set up and is running Comic Club. The members have agreed on a range of genres and characters to draw leading to some excellent collaborative and individual creations. Below is Beyblades Club led by by a core group of Year 6 enthusiasts. Year 3-6 pupils enjoy battling their Beyblades and watching the action in the arenas twice weekly at break. BEYBLADES COMIC CLUB YEAR 7 CLOCKS YEAR 3 EGG COSIES YEAR 5 PASTEL CAKES YEAR 3 EGYPTIAN MASKS

6 Abingdon Prep • April 2023 During this era it was illegal to practise Catholicism, so we quickly began to spot signs of Catholic worship in the house, from little hints like shells and rosemary, to wow moments like secret wooden panels, tunnels and priest holes - which were put to good use when the house was raided. The constables found the equivalent of 3 million pounds hidden away, whilst a priest hid in the roof space above them! Then we went to work on the Tudor farm, learning how to milk cows, churn butter, grind grain, spin yarn, wattle bamboo and make our own fires. TRIPS YEAR 4 VISIT UFTON COURT Year 8 went to the Globe Theatre in London to see a special production of The Tempest, which they have been studying this term. We walked over the Millennium Bridge to approach the theatre and ate our tea on the steps outside while appreciating the views back across the river to St Paul’s Cathedral and the skyscrapers of the City. Then into our seats for the play which was very lively and colourful, cut down from the full Shakespeare text to 90-minutes but retaining all the key parts and themes for the mainly teenage audience. We were encouraged to whoop and cheer and the audience certainly did when Ferdinand and Miranda declared their love, then guffawed at the drunken antics of Trinculo and Stefano, and gasped when the spirit Ariel flew down on wires from inside the roof. It was a great experience for Year 8 to see this fantastic play in such a wonderful venue. Year 4 concluded their Tudors History topic with a memorable trip to the Elizabethan manor house of Ufton Court. The pupils were employed as constables working under the parish’s Justice of the Peace, where they were instructed to look out for any ‘strange goings on’. Adam, Max and Horace from Year 6 took part in the Prep Schools’ Debating Competition at the Oratory School. After morning workshops focusing on public speaking and debating skills, they were given a motion and prepared their speeches in the Oratory’s Tolkien Room. Competing against 9 other schools from the region, they proposed the motion ‘This House believes that living in the countryside is preferable to living in a city’. The team acquitted themselves well, and were very highly commended by judges. THE TEMPEST AT SHAKESPEARE’S GLOBE THEATRE ‘LET’S DEBATE’ COMPETITION AT THE ORATORY

abingdon.org.uk/prep 7 TRIPS Year 5 spent a day at Oxford’s Pitt Rivers and Natural History Museums. Firstly, Year 5 took part in a workshop on the Maya, delivered expertly by Becky at the Pitt Rivers Museum, in support of their learning about Mesoamerican history and cultures. The children were fascinated by the mystery objects, using their detective skills to work out what they were. The boys then went on a guided tour around the Pitt Rivers to see various artefacts relating to the everyday lives and beliefs of these fascinating people, including clothing, amulets and flattened heads! YEAR 5 VISIT OXFORD’S PITT RIVERS AND NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUMS After lunch, Year 5 moved into the Natural History Museum for the Evolve, Adapt and Survive workshop, delivered by Chris, who was engaging and very knowledgeable. The pupils took part in a hands-on classroom activity in which they learned more about how adaptation had shaped the evolution and survival of vertebrate species. A highlight was the polar bear paw, which they were able to observe, stroke and make connections between its fur and how perfectly it was adapted to its natural Arctic environment. What a super trip we all had! Year 3 embarked on a secret mission at Coleshill National Trust Estate. The trip was based on their World War II topic and was called Secrets and Spies. They learned about codebreaking, dead letter drops, stealth training and they even descended into a World War II bunker! It was a fantastic day, thoroughly enjoyed by all. YEAR 3 SECRETS AND SPIES Our latest social with Headington School was a ceilidh for Year 8s, with a live band and excellent caller to lead the dancing. Delicious snacks at the interval revitalised the pupils and gave an opportunity to talk and make friends. Both schools enjoyed dancing with each other. Huge thanks to Headington School for their hospitality. Y8 SOCIAL - HEADINGTON CEILIDH

8 Abingdon Prep • April 2023 OLIVER! JR - CAN WE HAVE SOME MORE? PERFORMING ARTS AND MUSIC For one night only near the end of term, the Amey Theatre buzzed with excitement as the curtains rose on the Senior Section’s production of Lionel Bart’s Oliver! Jr. The talented young cast and crew dazzled with their hard work and dedication. The stunning set designs and atmospheric lighting transformed the theatre into the gritty streets of Victorian England, immersing the audience in another time and place. Some exceptional acting and singing in leading roles raised the bar of the night’s success. Rupert’s emotive portrayal of Oliver and his heartfelt rendition of Where is Love? captivated the audience, while Freddie’s charismatic performance as the Artful Dodger had the crowd clapping along to Consider Yourself. Notable characters Fagin, Nancy, and Bill Sikes were brought to life by Oskar, Arun, and Joseph, respectively. Oskar’s masterful portrayal of Fagin added humour and humanity, while Arun’s passionate performance of As Long As He Needs Me left the audience breathless. Joseph’s menacing presence as Bill Sikes commanded the stage. The ensemble cast also shone in group numbers like Food, Glorious Food and Oom-Pah-Pah, showcasing incredible teamwork, and all was aided by the backstage crew. The whole production of Oliver! Jr was a testament to the hard work and commitment of all pupils and staff involved, leaving a lasting impression as one of the school year’s highlights.

abingdon.org.uk/prep 9 PERFORMING ARTS AND MUSIC Years 3 and 4 pupils transported an appreciative audience from Frilford to Hamelin town in their rock-style production of The Piper. The villagers were not happy as Hamelin had been taken over by some very cool, sunglasses-wearing rats! Luckily, the rocking Piper made his entrance to a rendition of Smoke on the Water, ridding the town of its problematic rodents. Unfortunately, the villagers weren’t very trustworthy and refused to pay the Piper his 100 silver pieces. The Piper took his revenge and, with a rocking riff, led the village children inside the magic mountain, never to be seen again! Well done to all the pupils and staff who were involved in the performance – it was a wonderful evening’s entertainment. THE PIPER - JR SECTION PRODUCTION The Year 5 Soirée was a wonderfully relaxed evening. The theme was ‘Diversity’ and the performance included two renditions of The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes, the first by 5L, the second by 5N. This was sandwiched between individual musical items by our talented Year 5 musicians. The highlight, however, was the whole year group singing four classic songs from England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. The audience went home hugely impressed and enthused by what they had seen at the Year 5 Soirée, having enjoyed their family picnics in the interval! YEAR 5 SOIREE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CAROUSEL - TRYING OUT NEW SOUNDS WITH OUR VMTS

10 Abingdon Prep • April 2023 PRE-PREP PRE-PREP TRIPS Inspired by the work of English painter David Hockney, our Reception pupils have painted their own interpretations of one of his most famous works, Garrowby Hill. In this rolling landscape, Hockney’s unique approach to multi-perspective painting is highlighted and, so now too, replicated by our talented and budding young artists in the making… CHANNELLING HOCKNEY! Year 1 discovered wonderful stories brought to life at Oxford’s Story Museum. Year 2 went to Abingdon’s Science Partnership for a planetarium show and constellation modelling. YEAR 1 AT THE STORY MUSEUM YEAR 2 AT THE ASP PLANETARIUM GRANDPARENTS’ AFTERNOON Pre-Prep were joined by Grandparents and family friends to experience a fabulous afternoon of fun and games. There were toys old and new to share, homemade cakes and cups of tea and the hall was filled with excited voices and lots of laughter, spanning many generations.

abingdon.org.uk/prep 11 100 DAYS SMARTER Reception celebrated being 100 days smarter with exciting party games, foods that made 100, crazy hats and sunglasses. We certainly know how to celebrate our progress in style. PRE-PREP BONNETS, EGGS AND THE EASTER BUNNY HAPPY EASTER FROM PRE-PREP! PRE-PREP WORKSHARE Pre-Prep parents enthusiastically arrived to share the work of the term with their children. The classrooms buzzed with excitement, a sense of pride and many mini presentations. CHINESE NEW YEAR One of our parents visited Reception to talk about Chinese New Year and what it means to her and her family. The children found out about the origins of the Chinese zodiac animals. They made spring rolls and tried on traditional Chinese dress too!

12 Abingdon Prep • April 2023 SPORT There has been much to celebrate in the world of Abingdon Prep sport over the course of the term. Pupils have seen success on a national level and in a number of IAPS competitions as well as numerous inter school fixtures. We are proud to say that every pupil in the school from Year 3-8 has had the opportunity to represent the school. We continue to build relationships with pupils and staff at the senior school with a successful Foundation Tennis morning taking place under the guidance of head coach and tennis professional Martin Butler; and have pre-season cricket planned for when we return in the summer term. Well done and thank you to pupils, parents and staff that have been involved. HOCKEY: Pupils have had some fantastic opportunities to improve their hockey skills both in PE and Games sessions. The U13, U12 and U11 have put these skills to the test against a number of opposition teams including The Dragon, Cothill, Pinewood, Chandlings and St Hugh’s. It was fantastic to see the U11s test themselves and grow in confidence during the IAPS tournament hosted at Tilsley Park. FOOTBALL: Despite the weather trying its best to thwart the football season, the football club has had a successful term with both the U13 and U12 showing why they are regarded as such strong footballing year groups. There have been some brilliant team performances against Oratory Prep School, Moulsford, Caldicott and Cokethorpe. Freddie and Paul have had stand out seasons in the U13s and Josh, James and Henry have led by example in the U12s. The U11 and SPRING SPORTS HIGHLIGHTS U10 have a lot of potential with players showing great progress from A-D team level. NATIONAL SUCCESS: Abingdon Prep pupils have competed on the national stage in cross country, fencing, biathlon and squash this term. Special mention must go to the U13 cross country team that travelled to Malvern to compete in the National Prep School Championships. The team finished in 3rd place, a tremendous achievement considering 3 of the 4 man team will be eligible to compete again next year. James ran superbly well to finish 6th. He hopes to be on the individual podium next year. Arthur, Max and Noah competed at the National Modern Biathlon finals finishing in 13th , 28th and 16th in their respective age groups. Horace has travelled to France to compete in the European fencing cup, and Toby continues to rise in the national squash rankings and is now ranked as number 6 in the country. PLAYER PATHWAYS: A number of pupils continue to progress along their sporting journeys and have been selected to represent various high level teams. Congratulations must be extended to Wills, Oliver, Jed, Orlando, Max, George and Paddy (cricket), Freddie, Jack, Will, James, Henry (football), Xavier (cross country), Toby (squash), Jamie (equestrian), Horace (fencing), Leone, Satoshi, Leo, Vincent (swimming), Joe (table tennis) and Noah (basketball). Special mention to Laurie who was awarded a Sports Scholarship to Abingdon School. We look forward to watching these athletes in the future! Elliot Birkbeck Foundation Tennis morning Malvern Cross Country National Biathlon Championship

abingdon.org.uk/prep 13 SPORT HOUSE CROSS COUNTRY County Swimming Wednesday 22 March marked the annual House Cross Country Competition. It was wonderful to see the whole APS community out on a windswept Cox's Field running in their sections with increasing distance from Pre-Prep’s short run up to Years 7 and 8’s two full laps of the field. Everyone supported one another and gave their all. Congratulations to everyone that took part and a special mention to the pupils below for finishing on the podium in their respective races. RESULTS: Place Year R Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year7 Year 8 1st Ollie Zeyi William Toby Paddy Trystan Arthur James Xavier 2nd Lucas Josh Charlie Sam Harry Carter Max Noah Freddie 3rd Zac Joshua Benjamin Jonah Josh William Becket Josh Matt Fencing

14 Abingdon School • April 2023 ABINGDON NEWS It is with great interest that we have been watching the development of the new dining pavilion and the extension and renovation of Austin and Crescent Houses at Abingdon Senior School. Seeing how these projects have taken TAKING SHAPE THAMESIDE PRIMARY SCHOOL PERFORMING & CREATIVE ARTS CLUBS ENTERPRISING YOUNG PEOPLE In January, team Ox Enterprises took part in a Young Enterprise online Dragons Den style event. Three team members gave a detailed outline of their products, the marketing strategy and accounts to date. The judging panel was particularly impressed with the sustainability of the products, the partnerships the students have developed and the considerable sales successes they have had. Later in the term, they learned they had won the award for Innovation, with the fact that the products were manufactured from upcycled materials contributing to the award. Every Wednesday, Jason Preece, Regina Engel-Hart and OA, Mac Adams, take 10 Abingdon students to run clubs at Thameside Primary School. In the music club, 15 enthusiastic Year 5-6 pupils learn the music and lyrics of songs by popular artists and shows; the creative arts club sees Abingdon students work alongside Thameside pupils to create artwork such as nativity calendars and Easter cards. Rob Southwell-Sander, Director of Partnerships, comments: “These valuable initiatives provide our students with the opportunity to learn to be role models and develop skills associated with listening and leadership.” entire Abingdon community. Due to open later this year, the extension and renovation of Austin and Crescent Houses, and the future renovation of School House, will offer Abingdon’s day and boarding communities vibrant, modern accommodation with purpose-built House rooms, extended study facilities and single bedrooms for 6th Form boarders. In addition, the new dining pavilion will be a hub for school life, seamlessly changing function according to the needs of the school - whether that’s as a dining hall, cafe or theatre spill out area. It is a very exciting time for the Abingdon community. The investment in these developments is a testament to the Foundation’s commitment to provide exemplary and sustainable facilities, and by so doing, an optimal educational experience for Abingdon students. shape over the course of the Lent term now means we now have a clearer idea of exactly how these new facilities will sit within the existing landscape and really appreciate how they are going to enhance the school experience for the

abingdon.org.uk 15 ABINGDON NEWS U15 RUGBY INSPIRATIONAL TALK BY AL SYLVESTER In January, Lower School pupils enjoyed a truly inspiring talk by adventurer Al Sylvester. Al told the story of how, after a career in RAF mountain rescue, he led the RAF’s first unsupported attempt on the South Pole. He spoke about how he went about building his team; the ups, downs and realities of life in the Antarctic; and the resilience he had to show to recover from the frostbite he suffered. After the talk, the audience had lots of questions for Al and one lucky (and increasingly very warm!) individual got to dress up in Al’s kit. PHILOSOPHY AND THEOLOGY DINNER ON NICOMACHEAN ETHICS Our 3rd solo concert platform, held on 26 January, featured performers from 3rd Year through to the Upper 6th. From bagpipes and piano, to double bass and violin; the performances were wonderfully accomplished and included music from a wide variety of composers including Walker, Mendelssohn, Fauré and Schumann. Our congratulations for this exceptional evening of music making go to all our performers - and to our accompanist, Lynette Stulting. SOLO CONCERT PLATFORM We are so proud of our U15s who qualified for the final of the National Schools Plate, held at StoneX Stadium (home of Saracens). The Abingdon team played a fantastic match against RGS Worcester but in the end, victory went to their opponents with a score of 36-12. Students from Abingdon and St Helen and St Katharine gathered together for a joint Philosophy and Theology dinner with guest speaker, Professor Luca Castagnoli from Oriel College, Oxford. Professor Castagnoli gave a thought-provoking talk about Aristotle’s seminal work ‘Nicomachean Ethics’. Students then enjoyed music from the jazz band (which featured players including Mr Windsor, Mr Barnes and 6th Formers), before tucking into a delicious supper, hosted by Abingdon’s catering team, Sodexo.

16 Abingdon Prep • April 2023 Section) and Ahmed (Senior Section). We were delighted to welcome Nasio Trust staff earlier in the term to give an assembly reminding the chidren of the worthwhile work of the charity, and to update them on the lives and backgrounds of our four children. AbingdonPrep News is the newsletter of Abingdon Preparatory School, Josca’s House, Kingston Road, Oxford OX13 5NX Tel: 01865 391570 www.abingdon.org.uk/prep Editor: Annabel Gaskell Abingdon School is a company limited by guarantee Registered in England and Wales Company No. 3625063. Registered Office: Abingdon School, Park Road, Abingdon, OX14 1DE Registered Charity No. 1071298 PEOPLE & CHARITIES MEET NICK BARWICK Now our Year 5 teacher Nick has been with us for a term, we asked him some quickfire questions: Sweet or Savoury? Savoury (yes, including Marmite...) Tea or Coffee? Coffee Which sports/teams do you follow? Athletics, the cycling Grand Tours and Triathlon and I love to see Brits do well! Favourite sport to do? Triathlon or muddy mountain biking Favourite author/book? Mooddependent! Maybe Ernest Hemingway, Philip Pullman, Stephen King... My desert island books would be Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea and Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird (don’t ask me to choose between them!) Favourite music genre? Electronica (currently enjoying Public Service Broadcasting, Nils Frahm, Kelly Lee Owens, Caribou, Mogwai...) Eurovision: Yes or No? No Favourite TV programme of the moment? I rarely watch TV, but have always enjoyed Silent Witness Who is ‘your’ James Bond? Sean Connery Top Gun: Yes or No? Yes When I was a child, I wanted to be... A firefighter Tell us a joke? A horse walks into a bar... Bartender: Why the long face? Abingdon Prep has continued to help sponsor children through the Nasio Trust, an Abingdon-based charity working to break the cycle of poverty in Western Kenya. Thank you to the JPA and Abingdon Rotary Club for continuing to enable this sponsorship. Here are recent photographs of our children, each sponsored by one of our School sections: Mordecai (Pre-Prep), Brighton (Junior Section), Lorna (Middle NASIO TRUST UPDATE HOUSE CHARITY EVENTS Unicorn’s Tuck Shop was very popular indeed, raising £451.85 for Seesaw, an Oxfordshire based charity supporting children, young people and their families ADIEU TO ELLIE We bid adieu to Ellie as she begins her maternity leave. We send our very best wishes to Ellie, Alan and Amy, and can’t wait to meet the new addition to their family. through bereavement or terminal illness. Phoenix organised a fun tombola with separate stalls for Pre-Prep and Years 3-8, raising £159.50 for the Oxford Food Hub. SPONSORED SWIM In alternate years, we hold a sponsored swim at the Abingdon School pool. This time the money raised is being donated to the Turkish/Syria earthquake appeal. The pupils were fantastic and all swam far in excess of their expectations. In total, nearly 1,500 lengths were swam and so far over £1500 has been raised! For more information, the opportunity to support other children or help with fundraising, visit their website https://www.thenasiotrust.org/.