APS News 33

abingdon.org.uk/prep 3 NEWS This term pupils reflected and responded to the topic of ‘Easter Sunday’ as they participated in our regular ‘Big Think’ initiative. Moving around different zones, they used their knowledge of Easter Sunday to debate, meditate and to create tiny models, pieces of art, poems and letters. There was some fantastically creative work – well done! EASTER BIG THINK The importance of food has been a key theme this term at Abingdon Prep. A dual focus considered what we put into our bodies - our diet and nutrition, and then what we don’t eat and throw away. Elliot, our Director of Sport, gave an interesting talk in assembly to the Senior Section. He spoke about nutrition and hydration in a wider context before drilling down into the specifics concerning food groups, whole foods and the need for balance. Such an important topic stems from our desire to see pupils making informed THE IMPORTANCE OF FOOD JEDI BENCH This term, our Junior Equality, Diversity and Inclusion group (JEDIs) are upcycling a bench to create a welcoming space on Josca’s grass for anyone who wants a chat. Having consulted with Years 3 to 5 about colour schemes, they were armed with paintbrushes to start applying house colour stripes to the bench, ready for use in the summer term. SENIOR SECTION WELLBEING TALK Abingdon School Philosophy and Theology teacher, Mr Barnes visited Abingdon Prep this term to give children in Years 7 and 8 a talk on mental health, mindfulness and meditation. He talked, amongst other things, about our development as human beings over time and how we deal with the increasing stresses of modern life. YEAR 2 LUNCH SURVEY choices at lunchtime while helping them to grow in independence as they move towards their teenage years. Meanwhile, Year 2 met with Paula, our Deputy Catering Manager, to share their Pre-Prep survey results. The Year 2 ambassadors surveyed all the children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 about suggestions they have for lunch and pudding options for the coming terms. They tallied the results and presented the most popular options to Paula. The children will be keeping their eyes peeled to see if any of their super suggestions feature on the menu. One of our pupil-led Eco Committee’s key aims is to reduce food waste at school. They came up with the idea to monitor food waste at lunchtimes, to promote the reduction and ultimately elimination of food waste at school. School Houses and staff are pitted against each other to see who can waste least. The school will then use the data collected to make informed decisions which will help contribute to food waste reduction. Lunch menus are published on our website under School Life.