APS News 31

12 Abingdon Prep • September 2022 PRE-PREP PRE-PREP SPORTS DAY We had the perfect weather for our annual bike day for Reception and Year 1 children. After the safety talks and cycle helmet checks we were off! We honed our control skills by navigating a course of cones which required focus, agility and balance! Pre-Prep celebrated their sporting achievements, sharing their skills with their parents. We had great fun on a sunny afternoon and finished off with a well-earned juicy iced lolly. BIKE DAY Pre-Prep took their audience on a world tour, sailing the waters with sea shanties and delighting families and friends with performances all linked to the areas of the world that they had been investigating. SUMMER CONCERT Dressed in bright and exciting costumes, there were instrumental interludes, passionate singing and confident solo performances. We finished off with our Teddy Bear Picnic on the Mound. WORK SHARE Our parents came along to share their child’s work with them. There was a buzz of proud voices as pupils talked their way excitedly through all they had achieved.