September 2013
Future Events
Friday 11 October
3rd-Year Parents Italian Supper
Meet other 3rd-year parents on an
informal basis. Drinks reception in
the CMR followed by supper in the
Dining Hall; licensed bar. Tickets: £15
(to be be added to next school bill),
send booking form to ASPA 3rd year
supper, c/o The Bursary, or by email
Friday 15 November
Big Bang restaurant, Oxford
Details of this evening for parents of all
years will be available on the School
website and in future ASPA mailings.
Friday 7 February
ASPA Quiz evening
Friday 16 May
ASPA Dinner Eynsham Hall
Thursday 6 June
ASPA BBQ at school
ASPA – the
and its Work
So summer is almost over and a new
school year begins, with new boys
and new parents as well as some of
us who are coming to the close of
our time associated with Abingdon
School. Many of the ASPA committee
will be leaving at the end of this school
year and we sincerely hope that the
association will continue and go from
strength to strength, not only as a way
for parents to meet and socialise but
also to provide support in other ways,
such as the second-hand uniform
shop, which is such an asset for
parents and boys.
For ASPA to flourish new members
are always needed and we would
welcome anyone who is interested
and has just a few hours to spare in
the school year. ASPA meeting dates
can be found on the ASPA section
of the school website. If you are
interested in coming along to meet us
then please contact Wendy Lambe at
and she
will provide you with more details.
Peter Garratt, Neil Leah and Kathy
Hampden have now retired from the
ASPA committee and we should like
to thank them for all their hard work
over the last few years.
Quiz and Curry Evening
The Quiz and Curry Evening provided
excellent entertainment on 17 May with a
superb quizmaster, Jim Bischoff, Senior
Master of Pinewood School. The eight
teams fought hard but in the end Team I
(Lower 6 parents) won.
ASPA Dinner at
Tickets to ASPA’s whole-school parents’
dinner sold out within a few hours of
becoming available and, come the
evening, the event was everything that
was expected of it and more – beautiful
venue, great atmosphere, good food and
excellent company. Thanks to the amazing
generosity of those present, the silent
auction and raffle raised £6,500. Some of
this money will go towards equipping the
new Science Centre.
Uniform Shop
Opening times: Wednesdays 12.15-13.15
Saturdays 11.00-12.00
Weds 4 / 18 / 25
Sat 7 / 14 / 28
Weds 2 / 16
Sat 5 / 12
Weds 6 / 13 / 20 /27 Sat 9 / 16 / 23 / 30
1...,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 13,14,15,16