DIRECTOR OF PARTNERSHIPS At Abingdon, our Partnership work is embedded in all areas of school life. As a school we look to play a positive role in the wider community and collaborate with schools locally for mutual benefit. Students and staff are encouraged to challenge themselves through participation in Partnerships. Central to an Abingdon School education is our nationally respected Partnership programme where community, collaboration and challenge run through all aspects of school life. FOREWORD FROM THE Our Vision We hope these pages will provide readers with a taste of the breadth and variety of our Partnerships programme across the year. To help our students become ambitious and resilient, staff to be collaborative and reflective, parents to feel informed and engaged, and for all stakeholders to feel supported by, and given opportunities through, Partnerships. Rob Southwell-Sander Director of Partnerships at Abingdon School Our Mission Having a sense of community and togetherness is exactly what our Partnership is about. Partner School Teacher
Science workshops, planetarium visits and Science club sessions each year students get involved 10,000 500 children involved in Primary School activities including chess, sport and maths Our Science Partnership hosts 100 We provide Mental Health and Wellbeing support in schools including; lessons, webinars, 1-1 and group sessions and assemblies Regular Performing Arts activities include screenings, workshops, assemblies and film making We work with at least 30 other Schools hours of student experiences 25,000 Over the last year, we provided over Over PARTNERSHIPS IN NUMBERS These figures are representative of a year in Partnerships and are taken from 2022/23 and 2023/24 data
Mental Health and Wellbeing Science Performing Arts Leadership Careers/U… Primary 33.66% 29.39% 9.48% 8.97% 5.05% 4.37% 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 KEY DATA 2024 OX14 Learning Partnership ASiP Abingdon Science Partnership Partnership activities by category Spring 2024 Partnership activities by type Hours of student experience Partnership activities by tier (higher tiers require higher levels of collaboration and impact evaluation.) 25,000 150+ 30% Hours of student experience Events and activities of our teachers are involved with Partnerships Silver 32.6% Bronze 30.5% Gold 27.7% Platinum 9.2%
Abingdon School is a founding member of the OX14 Learning Partnership. This formal Partnership is a group of six state and independent schools working in partnership to raise educational aspirations across OX14 by providing opportunities for students and staff to be challenged, inspired and learn from each other. Use extracurricular activities to develop character, promote cultural engagement and support civic pride. Provide opportunities for aspiration and challenge through widening horizons for all stakeholders. Support the mental health and wellbeing students and staff using a whole school approach. Core Aims: THE OX14 LEARNING PARTNERSHIP I think collaboration is paramount in this life, and the OX14 programme fosters and nurtures this. This event has made me think about stepping outside my comfort zone. Student attendee at InspirED event Teacher
hours of student experience 7500+ >100 students in Years 8 - 13 took part in Academic Coaching as a Coach or Coachee Peer Support Leads train together and provide valuable support to younger students through the programme. 70 Students took part in the Oxbridge programme with sessions on critical thinking and the student experience as part of the programme 530 Students attended 3 new core events, InspirED, ChallengED and SupportED I liked meeting new people and hearing their experiences students involved from across six schools activities and events 46 3700 #CHALLENGE INSPIRE SUPPORT Partner School Student
7 40 hours of primary clubs 600+ Children involved Abingdon School works closely with Primary Schools across our area and our Partnership work aims to foster collaboration, challenge and build stronger relationships within the community. Getting involved with Primary Partnerships gives students and staff an opportunity for widening of experience and development of skills for life. Our Primary Partnership programme is varied and relevant and builds on relationships that have been developed over time. Stand alone events include a ‘Let’s Communicate’ event where students enjoy a range of workshops covering body language, Mandarin, coding, Sign language and German. We also run a Humanities topic morning and Primary Business challenge, all supported by our students. Our Primary Partnership group work in collaboration with local schools to develop exciting workshops and activities for local children. These include a fun Maths workshop, stop motion animation sessions and a variety of student led clubs. Students enjoy interacting with younger children and developing their leadership and communication skills. PRIMARY PARTNERSHIPS Drop down events per year We loved attending this last year, it was the highlight of many children's year! Partner school Teacher
ARTS PARTNERSHIPS Arts Partnerships are varied and include media workshops, film tutoring, screenings and musical opportunities. Film Academy students from partner schools work with tutors to create short films. A ‘Make a film in a day’ event, drama workshops and puppet workshops are also part of our programme. The Oxfordshire Academy of Broadcast Journalism attracts up to 100 students from across schools who come together to hear from professional broadcasters and take part in workshops. These sessions aim to develop skills involved with media production including presenting, podcasting and blogging. Greater confidence Better interpersonal and communication skills Independence and the ability to take initiative Creation of job opportunities such as setting up their own podcasts/ blogs and youtube channels Programme Outcomes 10 Oxfordshire Academy of Broadcast Journalism Sessions including; podcast creation, blogging and presenting skills 450 students attended NT live screenings at the Amey Theatre, Abingdon School Weekly film making sessions with Abingdon Film Unit Primary school workshops, clubs and music assemblies This all grew from the initial opportunity you gave me, building the confidence and skills to produce my own films. So, thank you for taking a chance on me! Past Partner school student I have been inspired, it was like having that lightbulb moment. Partner school Y6 student
SPORTS PARTNERSHIPS As well as providing sports coaching in local schools, we have also introduced a Primary Multisport club as well as collaborating on a range of sporting events. Sixth form Sports scholars have supported the programme and gained valuable leadership and coaching skills. The swimming pool has been used to support school swimming lessons locally. Tilsley park continues to host sports days and other events while collaboration with the Abingdon Primary Partnership and local charities also enhance opportunities for young people to be more active. Student led multisport club Sports coaching in schools Support and facilities use for school sporting events Support for non swimmers Links with local sports charities and PE leads I value the opportunity to broaden my knowledge of coaching sports that aren't my main sport and helping children to get involved and enjoy the sports. My son has really enjoyed it and says he would 100% recommend it! I enjoyed it so much, the coaches were very friendly and in the end I understood football more than I used to before. I also liked mixing with new people. Parent Year 6 Multisport club attendee Abingdon Multisport club student coach
Coaching the children has been a pleasure for all the coaches. It has helped me create and lead session plans that I haven’t had the chance to do before. It has also allowed me to think on my feet to combat any difficulties. My daughter absolutely loves this club and always looks forward to coming along Parent Abingdon Multisport club student coach
LEADERSHIP AND PEER SUPPORT Their work as part of the pastoral system is so important to younger students and they learn important skills for life in training sessions with other schools. The Peer Support Lead programme works with students across OX14 Learning Partnership schools to train and deliver a collaborative programme for sixth form students. The PSL programme aims to enhance existing pastoral support structures in schools and bring students together to learn new skills. Students are trained in empathetic listening, creative loitering and mental health awareness to provide invaluable support. Students are also able to signpost students to helpful resources or further support. Training in a range of areas including safeguarding Development of empathetic and active listening skills Reflection sessions with other students and staff Being a Peer Support Lead has really helped my collaborative skills as it has allowed me to see different insights and ways of communicating. Academic Coaching is an embedded activity within our Partnership programme. Set up to train students in coaching skills, the sessions cover leadership, listening skills, the coaching conversation and safeguarding. After completing the training, students across schools work with younger peers to support them in their studies and academic goals. The programme is popular as it provides training in important future skills and allows students to work together. Year 13 Peer support lead student
Throughout the year students take part in challenge days and joint events. Challenge days are often supported by local business partners and bring students together to collaborate and develop new skills. The Business Language challenge is an opportunity for linguists to work together on a marketing challenge in their chosen language. They develop a product and market it to suppliers taking part in real life scenarios. The Faraday Challenge sees students compete on an engineering task and use their design skills to solve a real life problem. Other events include Robocon, a computer science challenge, the Naboj Maths Challenge and various Model United Nations events. These events bring teams of students together from across Abingdon and the surrounding ares and students relish the opportunity to meet new people. Career panel sessions and guest speaker events with input from industry experts CHALLENGE DAYS AND TEAM EVENTS CAREERS AND UNIVERSITY SUPPORT Medic and vet sessions Oxbridge club as part of the OX14 Learning Partnership University fairs, informative webinars, lectures and much more
Thank you once again for a fantastic day. My students really enjoyed the day and definitely embraced the challenge. It’s a great experience for them and I really love seeing them working outside their comfort zone. Partner School Teacher
SCIENCE PARTNERSHIPS age appropriate relevant engaging Most teachers would highly recommend the workshops and felt they were... Amazing experience. I’ve not been on this trip before and I think it was one of the best for 100% engagement Abingdon students leading Primary Science club for local children Abingdon Science Partnership is based in our Community Lab and offers a range of opportunities and programmes. Weekly primary workshops and a Primary Science club enhance the curriculum with practical activities. Abingdon students embrace the opportunity to ‘teach’ younger students topics through fun and interactive activities. Easter Science revision and practical sessions for partner students were planned as part of a collaborative programme to support confidence in STEM. Teachers in partner schools worked with us to design the programme which also included funding for a study support assistant for Science lessons. Students across partner schools also meet to take part in Science competitions organised by Science teachers across schools. 25 Saturday Science sessions in collaboration with Science Oxford Primary Science Workshops and planetarium sessions led by Science teachers in the community lab 100+ GCSE Astronomy sessions with partner schools each week Sessions were really fun and informative and at a good pace Workshop feedback There were moments of awe and wonder!
It was such a fantastic opportunity, really brilliantly smooth and just an excellent experience all round. Partner school Teacher
MENTAL HEALTH AND WELLBEING SUPPORT Early intervention groups and 1:1 sessions Assemblies for primary and secondary schools Sometimes students only needed a couple of sessions to feel reassured and empowered to manage their mental health. Parent webinars on a range of topics RHSE workshops in primary schools Staff CPD and mental health first aid training LGBTQ+ support and inclusion development With growing pressure on our young people, our Mental Health and Wellbeing Partnerships focus on a cross partnership approach for prevention and early intervention for mental health related issues. We aim to support students, their families and staff with a range of support. These include webinars, toolkits, training for staff and peer mentoring training for students. Our Partnership work gives students and staff the opportunities to share experiences and best practice to help promote positive mental health and wellbeing in the local community. The Mental Health and Wellbeing Coordinator and other colleagues provide support for students at partner schools looking at understanding and managing stress and anxiety, strategies for low mood and lack of motivation, and building self esteem. Parent webinars include online safety and managing emotions. We also deliver ‘Preparing for Puberty’ workshops for years 4-6 at local schools and provide support to the schools with parent webinars on the topic of RSHE and puberty. We deliver several assemblies including ‘managing big feelings’ for KS1 and ‘diversity: what is normal?’ for KS2. It was the best course I have ever done! The tips and guidance were really useful. Teacher Parent Parent Natalie Hunt, the Mental Health and Wellbeing Coordinator works across schools and is passionate about supporting young people’s mental health.
PARTNERS Our son has been consistently excited about attending the film club , and this has really helped him to continue to have things within his school week that he really looks forward to We loved attending this last year, it was the highlight of many children's year! Hear from our My daughter has loved her experiences at ASP, both in the Home Ed workshops and before that, through Science Oxford. We are very privileged to have such a wonderful resource here in our hometown! Home Ed groups are tricky, we're often less used to classroom situations and working in groups. The team has taken all of this in stride, guiding the group with a touch that is deft and sure. Partner school Teacher Parent of Abingdon Film Academy Student Home Ed group Parent
MEET THE TEAM I have had the pleasure of running a partnership pastoral mentoring programme and have worked closely with local secondary schools. This has allowed me a broadening of professional horizons via close collaboration with like-minded colleagues from Partnership schools. Teacher It was an uplifting experience! Teacher Working with schools across the town has brought about many exciting opportunities for students and staff. It has been wonderful to experience true collaboration and teamwork from all involved. This area of school life is an exciting and ever changing place to be. I look forward to seeing what the future holds for Partnerships. Partnership Coordinator It has been fantastic to see the different schools working together at joint training, and to collaborate with other staff. Teacher The Director of Partnerships leads a strong Partnerships Committee made up of teaching and support staff. This group has dedicated time each week to support the running of programmes and develop new activities. In addition to this, colleagues from across the school plan and run events and activities as part of their wider timetable. Henry Barnes, Jessica Burns, Rob Southwell - Sander, Alice Perry, Hettie Preiss-Chapman, Victoria Middleton, Steve Bates, Natalie Hunt and Jeremy Taylor (not pictured) covering Primary and Secondary Partnerships, Sports, Performing Arts, Mental Health and Wellbeing and Science Partnerships. The Team:
HEAD FROM THE As part of our strategic development we have planned to work on the following targets: I’m pleased that so many of our students seize the opportunity to be part of our Partnership programme, contributing in all sorts of ways. In discussion with them, I’m often struck by the impact that their involvement has had upon them and I’m confident that their experiences not only broaden their horizons but also give them a chance to experience leadership and to show initiative. Our activities with the OX14 Learning Partnership also cement our position at the heart of the local community and give our students a sense of belonging and civic pride, as well as giving them further opportunities to have fun and meet new people. I’m grateful to my colleagues for all the work that they put into the construction of such a successful partnership programme and to all the students who engage with the programme so positively. The Future of Partnerships at Abingdon School Create a system to monitor and measure skills developed and contributions to Partnerships for Abingdon Students. Sustain breadth and balance of primary events, both regular and one off, and encourage Abingdon student involvement wherever possible. Curate a streamlined, impactful, sustainable and broad Partnership programme covering mental health and wellbeing, Sports and Performing Arts. ASP - Formalise a secondary programme of Partnership activity e.g. resource sharing and workshops alongside continued commitment to Primary Science. Together with my fellow Governors, I have found it inspiring to watch the evolution of ASiP. Through the increasing breadth of its activities and the success of its contribution to the OX14 Learning Partnership, we have seen the evidence that it brings in developing teamwork, communication, and self-motivation for pupils and in the sharing of experience and expertise for staff. We welcome the friendships and understandings built beyond the walls of our own schools and we wish to see Abingdon continue to share in its fundamental responsibility for supporting young people towards an educated, fulfilling and contributory future. Professor Mike Stevens, Chair of Governors Michael WIndsor, Head
Abingdon School Park Road, Abingdon OX14 1DE [email protected] abingdon.org.uk @ASPartnership @OX14_LP Students at Abingdon School were fantastic at engaging and supporting our children, it was wonderful to see. Partner School Teacher