Prep Parents' Handbook 2024-25

Homework Homework is given throughout the school to help support and consolidate pupil learning. The content and amount of homework is appropriate to the age group and curriculum being followed. Pupils should write their homework in their prep diaries - this allows parents to know what their child has to do each night. As a guide, children in Years 3, 4 and 5 should spend no more than 30 minutes on homework each evening; and in Years 6, 7 and 8, no more than an hour. If your child has spent what you consider to be a reasonable amount of time on homework and has not been able to complete it, please let us know so the teacher does not assume it has been completed in a ‘normal’ amount of time. Reporting Teachers provide parents and pupils with regular summaries of progress to help identify strengths and areas for further development. This is achieved through parents’ evenings, written reports and informal communications with parents as appropriate. An overview of reporting can be found here. Effort and achievement grades are used to provide guidance to pupils and parents of individual progress and assist staff in monitoring and tracking pupil progress within individual subject areas. The effort and achievement grades can be found here. In Years 3 to 5, grades will appear in written subject reports twice a year and may also be issued ahead of parents’ evenings in the form of an interim report. In Years 7 to 8, grades may also be used when marking regular classwork and homework when there is not an exercise specific marking criteria such as might be used with practice exam papers. Homework and reporting Page 09