Abingdon News No. 64

Abingdon News Connecting parents, supporting school life Dear Fellow Parents, A hearty welcome to a new school year! To those new to our community, ASPA is the overarching parent association at the school with the aim of connecting parents - both with each other and the school. We do this through organising events and through oversight of Classlist. APSA runs entirely on the voluntary commitment of parents. I have agreed to Chair ASPA for another year and I would like to thank current and newly appointed officers and committee members for their unfailing support. As we look to the new academic year, many of our current committee members are coming to the end of their association with the school so if you are able to offer a few hours to support a specific event, or if you would be happy to represent your son’s year, please do email [email protected] I look forward to seeing many of you at our events this year (many of which are detailed below), and in the meantime, I wish you an enjoyable first term. Richard Stone, ASPA Chair ASPA contribution to CCF The Remembrance project started in earnest at the end of May, though still a work in progress due to the wider construction works. The committee is very much looking forward to the final memorial. Cheese and Wine nights We are very excited that the new term sees the return of our successful Cheese and Wine evenings - a great opportunity for parents to meet and get to know each other. A link will be shared nearer the time for parents to book their free tickets. Burns Night Dinner Save the date: 27 January 2024 for our Burns Night Dinner. This ticketed event is open to all parents and will be held in the School’s soon-to-be open dining pavilion - we are so excited to be able to use this new building and hope this event will be a real success. In the meantime, please Save the Date! Tuesday 10 October, 7pm, Hospitality Suite: Lower School parents Thursday 12 October, 7pm, Hospitality Suite: 3rd Year parents www.abingdon.org.uk 25