Leisure Life Newsletter - Issue 2. July 2022

... Continue reading for how a kettlebell swing should be successfully achieved Shoulders Keep your shoulders relaxed to avoid shrugging the kettlebell and ending up with your shoulders around your ears. Glutes Activate your glutes by driving your hips through to a neutral position (where you are upright). Aim to keep your forearms attached to your hips until you reach neutral then, as your arms come up, squeeze your glutes to prevent overextending your lower back. Head Your head position should be neutral. The gap between your chin and your chest shouldn’t change. Elbows Use soft elbows throughout the swing. Keep your arms relaxed to take the tension out of your arm muscles and, instead, use the momentum of the kettlebell. Knees Your knees shouldn’t bend excessively during the swing – it should be a hip hinge motion. This is a posterior chain movement (the muscles on the back of your body), not a quads exercise. Did you know... We offer personal training plans and personal programmes. If you would like guidance and support on how to get the most out of your workout, or best practice whilst using our gym, please speak to a member of the team for more information on how we can help you. You can also visit our website to book a weekly kettlebells class with us, as part of our exercise class programme. Available to members or on a pay-as-you-go basis. abingdon.org.uk/sports-and-leisure 5 Activities are run by Abingdon School Enterprises Limited on behalf of Abingdon School. Company No.04442429