Boarding Handbook

Arrival at and departure from the houses Start of term/re-start of half-term Boarders are expected to return to their houses between 5.00pm and 9.00pm on the evening before the start of term or re-start of half-term. The school cannot accommodate boarders before the publ icised start of term. Parents are asked to inform the housemaster of any late arrival that may be different from the publ ished dates. End of term/half-term break School official ly ends at 1.00pm on the last day of every term and at 5.00pm on the day prior to half-term break. The houses need to be vacated by 5.00pm on the last day of term and 6.00pm on the day before half-term break. The boarding houses are not staffed after this time so it is not possible for any boarder to remain beyond this time, nor are they able to access the house at any stage over the School hol idays. The only exception to this is when a School excursion is leaving the day after School ends. On such occasions, one of the boarding houses wi l l remain open unti l 9.00am the fol lowing day. Only those boarders who are going on the trip wi l l be permitted to stay in the house on these occasions. Exeats/May Day Bank Holiday The School does not have any Exeat weekends, and ful l boarders are able to stay in School throughout term time. However there is an expectation that third and fourth year students are out of the house for the May Bank Hol iday Weekend (Saturday to Monday inclusive). Third and Fourth Year can either go on the activities organised by boarding staff for each day, or stay with parents or guardians. Fifth Year and Sixth Form boarders wi l l be al lowed to remain in the house, as many wi l l be preparing for publ ic exams. 10