Abingdonian 2020

2 The Abingdonian Editorial Welcome to The Abingdonian 2020. It has been a unique year by all standards, with the latter parts of the academic year changed to an unforeseen degree. Nevertheless, it has been a year full of great achievement across the board. Academically, the school had another very strong year and the dedication to learning from staff and students both in school and over Zoom was remarkable. In the Other Half students continued to take opportunities to expand their horizons, many participating in societies and clubs they had never tried before. Even during lockdown we saw pupils take part in new challenges behind or beyond a screen from creative and academic writing, to producing art, to collaborating in innovative sports competitions. We hope this edition does justice to all of the fascinating activities and events that took place. I have worked on The Abingdonian for five years now, and it has been a great pleasure to help in producing the publication and to work with such a hard working team. This is my and many of my fellow editors’ final edition, but I am confident that we are passing the torch on to a very capable team next year. I’d like to thank Mr Jenkins for his unwavering commitment to getting the very best edition out each year. Many thanks also go to my fellow student editors: Rory Bishop, Andrey Gerasimov, Ian Ip, Anderson Lai, Andreas Lo, George Nott, Matthew Viner and Kevin Wan, as well as all of the contributing staff and student writers. Sam Penrose, 7BS