Abingdon News No.54

www.abingdon.org.uk 3 Abingdon News The MFL department had a tremendous response to their Duolingo initiative where boys and staff signed up to study up to five languages over the Easter holiday. Welsh, Portuguese, Hindi and Japanese were just some of the languages that were explored. Congratulations to Pranit Narain who won the competition and studied Portuguese followed by Ben Byrne in second place and Philip Ashton in third place. Embracing languages Farewell to Sir Eric Anderson The School community was saddened to hear of the death of Sir Eric Anderson, who was Headmaster at Abingdon School from 1970-1975. Sir Eric Anderson was recognised as one of the leading headmasters and educators of recent times. He was a hugely popular Headmaster, admired by boys, staff and parents. He was a modest, approachable and very talented leader, with broad interests in the arts and sport as well as strong academic credentials. Read his obituary . Modelling skills Second year and aeroplane enthusiast Aleksandar Ustic has been using his time at home to develop his model-making skills. He has recently built a 1/72 scale MiG-29 “Swifts” aircraft and put together a timelapse video to show the process. This year’s Young Enterprise South Oxfordshire regional final was an online submission and presentation. Both teams performed very well with team Chopping Wood winning two of the seven categories: best business plan and the sustainability award. YE wins awards Other Half gardeners Gardening Club has been pursuing their Other Half activity in their own gardens and enjoyed photographing spring flowers. MFL Creative Project Prize Congratulations to Charles Maddison in the Fifth Year who won second prize in the Modern Languages Creative Project Prize, 2019.