This week's mailing:
- To parents of all Upper Sixth boys in Southwell-Sander's House – Leavers' Meal & Consent Form
- To parents of all boys in Southwell-Sanders House – House Social
Traffic Disruption in Abingdon town centre, March 2018 continues for a month
Please note that due to essential gas mains replacement there are currently roadworks which may cause considerable disruption to vehicles visiting the School. Bath Street is closed, between Stratton Way and Faringdon Road, to traffic from Tuesday 20 March with works anticipated to last a month. Appropriate traffic signs will be displayed by Oxfordshire County Council. The alternative route is Ock Street – Spring Road – Faringdon Road – Wootton Road – and vice-versa.
For parents of current Third and Fourth Year day boys
Have you thought about boarding? – Boarding Taster Nights for Third and Fourth Years
Our boarding houses are full to capacity (over 100 full boarders and 30 weekly boarders) and we want to make sure that our current pupils are first in line to take up boarding places should they want to. We are therefore offering third and fourth year day boys an opportunity to experience a ‘taster night’ towards the end of the summer term. We hope that this will appeal to those who are considering boarding in future years (from 2019 and beyond) and so they can apply in good time to avoid disappointment. Places are limited depending on beds available, but if you are interested please complete this form or contact Katherine Cook.
The John Rayson (OA 1942) Award
The John Rayson Award is a memorial to the late John Rayson (1924-2012), an Old Abingdonian (1942) who gave a lifetime of service to Abingdon School.
The award will be given to a current pupil to help fund a personal project/experience that embodies the defining characteristics of John Rayson – adventure, courage and resilience coupled with service, loyalty and commitment. The award carries a value of £250. All current pupils of Abingdon School are eligible to apply. Further information is available here.
ASPA / OA Club Travel Awards
ASPA and the OA Club have joined forces to offer travel awards to upper and lower sixth pupils undertaking some form of travel and activity either during the summer or in their gap year. The awards range from £50 to £500 depending on the activity and its benefits. Further details, and the conditions attached to the awards, can be found on the School website.
Saturday Bus Service: Summer Term
Thank you to those parents who have used the Saturday Bus Service in the Michaelmas and Lent terms. We will continue to run the service next term on the following term time Saturdays: 5 May, 12 May, 19 May and 16 June. The pick up points and timings will remain the same as they have been throughout this academic year. Any comments or queries in this regard can be forwarded to the Director of Sport and PE.
Sport priority on a Saturday
In planning for this coming term, please observe this extract from the Parents' Handbook: boys are expected to be available for matches against other schools unless specific permission has been sought from and granted by the Headmaster. Any request should be made well in advance, at least one week before the fixture and copied to the Director of Sport and PE, Pete Bignell. Abingdon has a strong tradition of participating in interschool fixtures across the age ranges. In recent years we have strengthened our fixture list, and been more ambitious in the schools we have been playing, and we are putting out more teams. Please avoid asking for leave of absence. We are keen the boys practise and play together, that the boys develop an allegiance to the School, and that our opponents have the best opposition we can provide.
Tennis Coaching – Summer Term
Martin Butler is available for charged tennis group coaching sessions at the following times during the summer term on the school's hard courts at £7.50 per hour. For further information please contact Master in charge of Tennis, Martin Butler.
Monday 4pm to 5pm
Monday after 5pm
Wednesday after 5pm
Thursday 1.20pm to 2.40pm
Thursday 4pm to 5pm
Thursday after 5pm
Friday after 5pm
Saturday 9am to 11.30am
'ROH Live: Yugen / Corybantic Games / The Age of Anxiety' – 7.15pm, Tuesday 27 March