Abingdon News No.49

www.abingdon.org.uk 27 Abingdon OA Club www.abingdon.org.uk/oa/forthcoming_events Any questions, please call: 01235 849074 Sixth Form Careers Evening Now firmly fixed in the OA Club calendar, this annual occasion is a useful opportunity for early- to mid-level career OAs to return to the School and pass on their professional insights and advice to current students. At last term’s event on Friday 16 November we were delighted to welcome back around 30 OAs whose job titles ranged from Sound Engineer to Senior Private Secretary, Sports Editor, Solicitor, Scientist, British Army Officer and much more. The evening began with relaxed networking drinks before sixth formers heard from two concurrent panels of OAs, each of whom spoke broadly about their career decisions and development to date. A series of in-depth, industry-specific career discussion sessions between individual OAs and small groups of students followed, with a buffet dinner closing proceedings. Many thanks to all OAs who volunteered their valuable time and knowledge at this event. Already bedecked for the festive season, the Cavalry and Guards Club was the splendid venue for the OA Club’s most recent London Drinks Reception on Tuesday 27 November. Over 200 OAs and current and former members of staff filled the Coffee Room of this historic Club, nestled in the heart of Mayfair and overlooking Green Park. It was fantastic to see so many OAs of all decades mingle at this increasingly popular event, and to hear addresses from the Headmaster, the OA Club Chairman, Ken Welby (OA 1984), and the OA Club President, David Lindgren (OA 1993). Please do get in touch with the OA Club Office if you have any recommendations for future venues – we are keen to hear from you! OA Club Career Networking Event On Wednesday 10 October around 40 OAs and Abingdon School parents working in the fields of property, design and construction met at BoConcept’s Tottenham Court Road store for the OA Club’s annual Career Networking Event. Many thanks go to Michel Baumgart (OA 2010) and Mireille Baumgart (former parent) of BoConcept for providing the venue and for speaking about current styles in interior design, and to Tom Sykes (OA 2002) for a fascinating presentation on the trends and future of architecture. Forthcoming OA Events: Lent Term Southampton Reunions - Friday 18 January (University) and Saturday 19 January (Regional) Birmingham Reunions - Friday 1 February (University) and Saturday 2 February (Regional) Cardiff Reunions - Friday 15 March (University) and Saturday 16 March (Regional) Road Relay - Monday 18 March, Abingdon School OA Football and OA Hockey - Saturday 23 March, Tilsley Park ASPA Quiz Night - Saturday 27 April, Abingdon School London Drinks Reception