Boarding, which is available from the Third Year, is an important part of Abingdon School and
has become increasingly flexible over recent years, adapting to the needs of families and
individuals. Many of the boarders come from the surrounding area, opting to utilise more fully
all of the facilities and opportunities the School has to offer during weekday evenings and at
weekends. Our international boarders come from all over the world, including Europe, the US,
Russia and the Far East. Our boarders are a very important part of the School, enabling us to
broaden our horizons and adding an enormous amount of diversity to school life.
boa rd i ng
A school is an important formative influence on anyone’s life as an
educational institution and as a social hub, but for me the greatest
testament to Abingdon is that I, and many others, proudly
embrace the School as home.”
Christopher Lillycrop, former boarding pupil